Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

I remember these days like they were yesterday. Our Black Dog and Shyla let their new little brother snooze between them.


It was Hachi's first winter with us. Our Black Dog was the big brother that everyone would want to have.


He was Shyla's best friend.



And he was Hachi's best friend. Hachi followed R everywhere, always wanting to be as close to him as he could be.  They took many naps snuggled together.


As you probably know, it didn't remain quite so idyllic. But for a while, it was incredibly sweet.

Even after Hachi's behavior took a turn for the worse, our Black Dog showed his forgiving and generous spirit. He was always glad to offer brotherly love to Hachi.

Happy Black Dog Sunday. Memories of our Black Dog are so sweet.


  1. Those photos of the three of them are beyond adorable.

  2. Hari OM
    Sadly it came down to two's company and all that... but trust R to remain poised and mature throughout!!! I agree with Gail - such shots as these make the heart pump. YAM xx

  3. Such beautiful photos and wonderful memories♥

  4. Those really are such beautiful memories and such wonderful family portraits.

  5. Those are all such sweet pictures of those three together.

  6. What a heart-lifter. Bless R for being such a love throughout.

    Chris from Boise

  7. We all need a black dog like R in our lives. If Dogs could have PhD's he would have had one in kindness, patience and over all excellence. R was the best...I loved his spirit and positive attitude
    hugs Cecilia

  8. Love the one of the three of them sitting in the snow. R was like my Silver, always forgiving Brut. Love these memories.

  9. Love those moments of the three of them together.

  10. Those are such precious memories!! ♥

  11. OMD, those are the sweetest pics evers!!!! 💖
    It's hard to imagine Hachi that small! BOL!!
    You were the bestest big bro Angel R!!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. I Sure Remember These Photos Like It Was Yesterday - Love Those Cuddle Puddle Moments In Time - Well Done Team Human - Sending Love And Light


  13. Those sure are some beautiful memories of R. We love every one of those photos.

  14. Such sweet trio photos. What precious images to keep those memories alive.


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