Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Shyla Saturday

After a rough start to life, Shyla has reached a confidence level that makes me smile. She eagerly greets our contractors at the door, - and and she wins their hearts almost right away. She often brings them a toy as a welcome gift as they come through the door. Then, she stays nearby while they are here. 

As a young dog, she was much too terrified of strangers to even go near them. Seeing how she's changed over time is heartwarming.

What a sweet and wonderful dog Shyla is. Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. You are such a special girl, Shyla, and such a beauty. Happy Saturday!

  2. this makes me feel so happy for her and for you... that is how Beau is, he loves people to come inside. big change for shyla and all for the good

  3. Yes indeed, Happy Shyla Saturday!

  4. It's so great to hear how far Shyla has come. We just know the same will be true for Hachi in time.

  5. Shyla you are one gorgeous and well balanced friend...
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. XOXO dearest little Shyla. so brave and happy and good. you are LOVED!

  7. She is such a special girl and has come such a long way. ♥♥♥

  8. Hari OM
    So wonderful - and wouldn't it be great if her example rubs off on Hachi?!! YAM xx

  9. That is remarkable growth. You go, girl (shyla).

  10. That's just fur-bulous! She has so benefitted from your loving care and what a reward--for her and you.

  11. Great photo of Shyla howling to the spirits in the sky :)

  12. "She eagerly greets our contractors at the door, - and and she wins their hearts almost right away. She often brings them a toy as a welcome gift as they come through the door. Then, she stays nearby while they are here." This is spectacular! I had no idea she's come so far. Well done all!

    Chris from Boise


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