Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 15, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday - Part 2 of "A Mountain Lion Scrape in 2020"

Last week, I shared a video of a very active mountain lion scrape. It ended with a female caterwauling at the scrape, trying to call in a mate. Many of you said that you were so curious to see how her vocalizing efforts worked.

This video picks up at that point, and the ending is super exciting!

Enjoy the video!


  1. I played it to the boys and waited for a reaction... nothing happened ... sometimes they surprise me LOL

  2. I love a happy ending. I love your wildlife videos. You live in a heavenly place, but you already know that.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  3. Beau usually ignores sounds from the computer/tv but the video I just watched on Tempest and Zoe with a squeakky toy he cam running to see who had it. i turned the video up because I read Easy remark. Beau is sleeping on the sofa, the cat started calling and his head popped up and i turned the laptop so he could see it. he watched and listened to the end..

  4. What a great ending. We hope to see little ones in the spring.

  5. Quite the dramatic ending. The girl gets the boy and the thunder rolls! :)

  6. A happy ending after all their hard work. And the sounds made my dog Faith wake up and sit up straight, with ears up, listening intently. I told her if she ever heard that sound here, to hurry up and go home. We do have lions here, but I've never seen one. Early on we saw tracks, but nothing after our 5-year drought.

  7. I just read above that Beau did the same thing, I guess this was a big wake-up call for the dogs in the neighborhood.

  8. OMCs!! that was award winning footage...one thing I have heard the term caterwauling referring to cats at night my entire life. However, until I started watching your videos I did not know the true audio
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Great footage! We have cougars that live around here...when I played the video and we got to the female calling, the cats disappeared (under the bed) and the dog got really excited! Thanks for sharing. Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  10. How cool! Was that thunder I heard toward the end?

  11. WOW!! What wonderful footage..a true Mountain Lion love story ;-)!

  12. Hailey kept tilting her head at the end. Loved them both!

  13. Wow! That thunder roll at the end!

    I am amazed at how huge the male is, compared to the female. She looked immense till he stepped into the frame.

    Hoping for kittens!

    Chris from Boise


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