Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Coyote Pack in a Snowy Meadow

When we first started spending time at Lab Valley, I was surprised by how few coyotes I was seeing either with my own eyes or with my trail cams. I heard a vague rumor of someone killing them but I had no idea whether it was true.

Then, I started exploring more, and I began to figure out where they travel and spend their time. Now that I have a trail cam in the right spot, I know that at least one comes through Lab Valley almost every day. But, the best place of all is a nearby meadow - where my trail cam recently captured five of them together. My research says that it's probably a pack - which is very cool!

The five of them came out on a snowy day which made for some beautiful footage.



  1. they have such a fluffy thick fur now... beautiful guys

  2. Wonderful footage. It almost felt like I was there in the snow with the coyotes.

  3. they are gorgeous and look lke puppies playing.. they are much bigger and fatter thatn our city dwelling coyotes, ours are sad to see the conditon they are in.

  4. KB I am 100% sure if I lived in Colorado I'd never get one chore done. I'd gazing out the window, walking about and taking lots of deep breaths of fresh air..well the walking and deep breaths would be in spring, summer and fall.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. There was something they were interested in, especially the one rolling in the grass. Awesome footage!

  6. What a great video. There must have been something very stinky to roll in. It looked like every member of the pack rolled in whatever it was. We've lived in our house for 30 years and often hear the coyotes at night but have never seen one.

  7. How fun. I loved all the rolling around and the peeling out at the end. They may be wild but they are pups and act like pups.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Wonderful video, and something alerted them, ears back and looking at something, and what fun rolling ion the grass, thick fur that sheds off the snow, and those tails. This is the most amazing video to see a pack together.Your Lab Valley will no doubt give you many more like this.

  9. They must be rolling in stinky stuffs too. Maybe I'm part coyote☺

  10. Such exquisite creatures! Love the repeated rolling in that one spot. There must be something good and smelly there. :)

  11. Love this footage with all the marking and rolling/rubbing! I've only seen single coyotes by our house - never a pack. My friend who lives about 5 miles from us often hears a pack howling in the night. Their fur is thick and beautiful!

  12. What a delightful video. I love their bushy tails, and they look so intelligent. I have only had a glimpse of one scrawny coyote in a town, nothing like these beauties. (We don't have anything here like that).
    Keep enjoying your beautiful valley :) xx

  13. What great footage, KB! The coyotes look in great shape in their winter coats. And I echo everyone else: all that scent-rolling! Did I see one do an actual somersault at 1:28?

    Chris from Boise

    1. YES! And he was awaiting his score from the judges!

  14. I should have said that I put the cam here because there appeared to be a lion scrape right where they were rolling. We will find out!

  15. They are super cool and having a nice time together too. Looks like the ideal spot for your cam.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Great video. They all look healthy. We have quite a few that roam the trails near our home. Some of them are so thin and their coats are shabby. We see them occasionally on our walks.

  18. Phod rolls and rolls like that one coyote. So amazing.


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