Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

We've had lots of time at Lab Valley this week, which makes for a very happy Hachi. Do you see him and his sister in this photo?

Sometimes he hangs out mellowly when outside and, at other times, he sprints like the wind.


He also likes to meditate with the warm sun on his face.


No matter what, he's happy at Lab Valley.

There's no real news to report except that our vet suggested waiting to have Hachi's annual exam until after the Covid danger is decreased so that we can be with him before and after he's sedated. That sounds like a good plan to me!

He's a happy Hachi!


  1. In meditation mode, that is a superb photo, and running, he is in love with Lab Valley and waiting for that vet visit makes good sense. Hope you are all well,and your Dad is coping as best he can.

  2. ooooh we love the sun photo.... a super happy pup ;O)

  3. How we love to see a Happy Hachi!

  4. Hari OM
    Here's to a more meditative dog!!! YAM xx

  5. That sun does feel soooo good, doesn't it, Hachi.

  6. he is sooooooooooo beutiful, love that sun shot and the imitation of a horse rearing at the end...

  7. he is sooooooooooo beutiful, love that sun shot and the imitation of a horse rearing at the end...

  8. Sandra is right, he's such a gorgeous dog. I'm so glad he's happy. Looking at the pictures made me think back on having all those dogs in Los Angeles, how did we take care of them? Nowhere to run like Hachi does and my Faith does here.

  9. It's so wonderful to see Hachi so happy. We like meditating in the sun too but mostly do it from inside the house if we can see the sun..

  10. Hachi sure loves his Lab Valley! That sounds like a good plan for the Vet visit.

  11. That is a good idea! He's such a happy boy in your new place.

  12. It's good to see him so happy. You're done a wonderful job making sure he's had every chance possible. Good for you.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  13. It's so wonderful to see him having so much fun!!

  14. That's great news to hear it's been a good week. Enjoy those happy days of romping in Labrador Valley.

  15. Oh yes Hachi I agree with your kind vet..wait til your peeps can be with you.
    I did spot you and Shyla. Was that silly sister sitting in snow?
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. We LOVE that meditation mode!!! Maybe Timber has been channeling Hachi for lessons in mind melding. He tried it on me this weekend:)

  17. these are wonderful pictures of a truly happy Hachi! XOXO

  18. Hachi is a happy Dog! We love living in the country too! That makes us happy and having your peeps there and after you gte sedated at the vet is impawtant! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  19. So happy everyone had a great week!

  20. He definitely looks so happy and relaxed in these photos! ♥


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