Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A popular spot with foxes and lions!

Foxes weigh a small fraction of what a mountain lion weighs. Yet, they love to share scent posts with mountain lions. Both red foxes and gray foxes show up at mountain lion scrapes regularly. They move with such agility as they mark the spot and then disappear.

One of the scrapes that I've monitored for years was visited by red foxes, gray foxes, and a mountain lion over the past month. It's a great example of this mix of foxes and lions that I see so often. Also, you can see and hear the crazy wind that has dominated our weather this winter. It's been intense.

Check out the video if you have time!


  1. we lovet to watch them while ... ;O)))

  2. Hari OM
    always a joy to observe... and we have a howling wind right here by the Hutch as I type. Wild. YAM xx

  3. That really is quite the message center!

  4. What great footage of the lion and foxes. That little mouse had better be careful or he will end up in the tummy of one of those foxes.

  5. Love the mountain lions. Their fur coat looks so soft and thick.

  6. Awesome footage as always. Take care, stay well!

  7. You are so entertained by the wonderful nature around you. I think that little mouse is to smart to get eaten.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  8. from the tiny rodent to the foxes with their magnificent tails, and lions squatting, a true reminder that so many species can live and travel in the same area harmoniously. Wonderful to see them all.

  9. It is amazing how they have learned to share the space.

  10. Oh, that is one buzy peemail spot! I just can't imagine how you puppers don't just sniff every single leaf in your valley! I would never gets anywheres on walkies! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  11. Love seeing mountain lions (and that one looks especially healthy) but that gorgeous fox! Oh my. Thanks for much for sharing.


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