Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi made sudden improvements after we gave him fluids and medicine on Saturday night. It was amazing to see how fast he seemed a million times better. He started eating and drinking within about 30 minutes of the infusion. His eyes looked brighter and happier. Even his body language looked more energetic. We have our behavioral vet to thank for this. She went the extra mile to get us meds on Saturday after other vets wouldn't help us.

Hachi now has to rest for a number of days before he can exercise again. The tests did not show what caused his illness. My hypothesis is that he got very stressed out at Lab Valley last week. There were a lot of workers here, and they were all over the house and noisy. Outwardly, he seemed to be handling it well but perhaps it took a toll. We won't spend such a construction-heavy time here again.

This photo was from just before he got sick.

During the illness and afterwards, his behavioral issues got worse than they've been in quite a while. He's behaved aggressively toward Shyla on a number of occasions both indoors and outdoors. He was on a leash each time so he did no physical harm. And, to my surprise, Shyla didn't seem to take it seriously. 

For now, we are strictly separating them so that this behavior doesn't become a habit for Hachi and so that Shyla doesn't become afraid of him. We want them to play together again in the future.

Thanks for all of the good thoughts for Hachi. I feel as if the road to recovery will be pretty fast now. Let's hope that his behavior returns to where it was before the illness too.


  1. we send lots of power and good thoughts over to you... and we hope that the meds kick i and that you can share good news soon...

  2. Hari OM
    Good news, on the whole... here's to full recovery. YAM xx

  3. We're glad to hear he is feeling better and are keeping our paws crossed that he makes a full recovery both physically and mentally.

  4. Continued love and good thought to ALL of you!

  5. I'm glad he's doing better and I know you're doing all you can too. It's what good moms do.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  6. I'm so glad Hachi is feeling better and it's good you have at least one good Vet.

  7. KB I'm happy Hachi made a quick recovery...now to get back in sync with his devoted sister
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Stress can have an effect on people much the same way, so I really Hope Hachi will continue to get better and resume normal play times. If the answer is to keep him away from the renovation upheaval, even if difficult for you both as you will want to see that all is going to plan, maybe that will save another episode. Lovely to see them both playing out there, a true paradise for you all.

  9. This is great news and we couldn't be any happier for Hachi and you, KB.

  10. You and the Runner are doing such a good job of thinking this through, making contingency plans, and managing the situation well. Here's hoping that Hachi will return to his healthy Shyla play once his physical and mental/emotional selves return to normal. I'm betting that you've built such a strong foundation these last few months that it will be only one step back, then two steps forward. And huge success that Shyla isn't taking his aggression personally!

    Chris from Boise

  11. prayers that this will end and end well and do it soon. love to all of you...

  12. SO glad to hear Hachi is better. Yes, may his behavior return to what his new normal was. A huge thanks to his behavioral vet, too!

  13. Such wonderful news!! Sending POTP that Hachi's moods even out and he and Shyla get to play again soon!

  14. Great news!!! We bet he will be back to his good behavior once he is feeling 100%!!! Kudos to your behavioral vet.

  15. I'm so glad he is turning around and feeling better. The only good of this is now you know you can do it, if he ever needs to go to the emergency vet. Worrying sucks and too bad your regular vet wasn't more helpful. Glad you can rely on your behavioral vet. Betsy

  16. We are so happy you found vets to help you and understand what you are going through. Hopefully Hatchi will be back to where he was soon.

  17. The best behaved dogs can lash out when they don't feel well. We are so happy he is doing better. Answered prayers!

  18. all good thoughts and prayers are with you All as you bring him back to total health!
    but especially to the loving patience of sweet Shyla. she seems to understand.
    and he's the baby of the family. perhaps that is it. I'm SO thankful you have the Good Vet! XO

  19. When you don't feel well, it's probably normal to lash out. Hopefully now that he's feeling better, it won't become a regular thing. So glad to hear he's feeling better but still sending POTP thoughts your way.

  20. Thank goodness for your wonderful vet to help you. We hope Hachi is continuing to recover and will get right back to where he was before. ♥


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