Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 21, 2021

An Update

As we are still trying to help Hachi feel better, I thought that I'd share a few photos of young Hachi with our Black Dog.

Puppy Hachi loved to be as close as possible to his big brother. And R loved it too. He never passed up a chance to play or snuggle with puppies.

As of Saturday evening, Hachi has not yet started eating or drinking. He had one drink of water all day Saturday, and nothing more. A normal dog would be in the hospital but we and his vets feel that he's better at home in a low stress environment. We delivered fluids and anti-nausea meds under his skin last evening (Saturday night), and we hope that they help. I was very nervous about it but he was remarkably well behaved despite being afraid.

If you can spare some good thoughts for our Hachi, he sure could use them.


  1. You were just the sweetest big brother ever, R♥ We continue to send you lots of AireZen and healing vibes, Hachi. We hope you are back to 100% soon!

  2. We are crossing all paws and hooves, and sending lots and lots of good thoughts for Hachi.

  3. Hari Om
    Oh yes, the POTP is working away from here to there for you Hachi... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. POTP and prayers to dear Hachi from all of us. We sure hope that dear one improves soon.

  5. Hugs and prayers coming your way. I am wondering if he ate something that made him sick and throw up and get the diarrhea he had that happen with baby once. Praying he will be better soon. We woke up this morning with bow yelping when he leans forward and we don't know what's wrong he whimpered three times during the night and now when he leans forward as in how to get food out of his bowl or drink out of his water bowl he Yelp

    1. Sandra, if possible, i would be taking him to a chiropractor.

  6. Thinking of you and beautiful Hachi. Oh he was the cutest little pup. And your black dog always makes me melt.

    I know how hard it is when these challenged dogs get sick. We are sending you all the POTP and holding you close in our hearts.

  7. KB these photos of your most special Black Dog who loved of all species great and small gave my heart a tug today. Angel Madi took SUBfluids at home too. ...which always surprised me since she was really not a hands on cat...she loved us her way. Hachi's trusts you and Runner while you do this for him...TLC will win.
    Here's big prayers that today will be the day he nibbles on some nourishment.

  8. Such sweet memories of R and Hachi. We are keeping all paws crossed that Hachi feels better and will start eating and drinking soon.

  9. Please get well, Hachi!! We are thinking of you with love and hope. ♥

  10. Oh, Hachi. You must be feeling pretty crummy. Hope this resolves quickly for all your sakes. And god bless dear R. Those are the perfect Black Dog memories for today.

    Chris from Boise

  11. Aw, poor pup. I hope he's feeling better soon. The photos of he and R are just sweet.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. bless you little Hachi. please get well. soon!
    you are LOvED! xo

  13. speedy and complete healing to hachi.

  14. 24 Paws crossed for little Hachi. Him and R are adorable together.

  15. May whatever is wrong pass quickly. POTP and prayers for Hachi.

  16. Such very tender photos of R and Hachi. we hope Hachi has turned the corner by now and is doing much better. We continue to send him POTP.

  17. Sending Power of the Paw and MM (Moose Magic - it's an Elkhound thing) to Hachi.

  18. I'm so sorry about your boy, Hachi. But the dedication to his training is really showing, and I'm glad that you were able to get Hachi through the stress of the vet, and I so hope that as your Sunday ends, he's continuing to feel better. I'm sending lots and lots of the POTP for him!

  19. Still keeping dear Hachi in our thoughts, and waiting anxiously for more news.
    Hugs from Gail and Bertie.

  20. Sending a double dose of POTP Hachi's way. Sweet boy, hope he feels better soon.


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