Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 20, 2021

What Happens when Hachi Gets Sick

After a very long Friday of worry, I am going to break from my normal posting pattern.

You might remember a fairly recent post about Hachi. It focused on how to take him to the vet given his extreme fear and reactivity. We decided to wait until the Covid risk had lessened before taking him for his annual exam so that we could be with him before and after sedation.

On Thursday-Friday, Hachi had extreme GI distress, including diarrhea and vomiting. By Friday morning, he was acting very subdued and was not willing to take a pill pocket. He takes behavioral medicines a few times per day so he was getting behind on those.

At about 5:30 AM, we realized that he truly needed to go to the vet. We feared an obstruction because of how much blood was involved in the GI distress. As early as possible, we called his regular vet and his behavioral vet. His regular vet basically said that her hospital could not help on short notice due to Hachi's special needs. That felt like a small betrayal, even though we understood the reasoning.

Our behavioral vet came through in a huge way, giving us her cell phone number for texting throughout the day and suggesting a course of action. That was to take him to an emergency vet hospital that is known for their ability to deal with almost anything.

Prior to leaving for the vet, the first task was to get a muzzle on Hachi. He was getting increasingly reactive because he felt so awful. But, our training came through! We've played the "muzzle game" with him hundreds of times. We set up in the place where we most often play it, and acted as if it was nothing more than one more game. He stuck his nose in the muzzle, we fastened it, and one problem was solved.

The next issue was how to induce sedation at the vet hospital. We've been playing the "syringe game" for that. Around the house, we fill a syringe with chicken broth and randomly squirt it into his mouth. That has made him want to lick all syringes. That game worked at the vet where the Runner gave him a very strong oral sedative via a syringe. The only downside was that Hachi was not very affected by the sedative so he eventually had to be given an injection. That upset him greatly but hopefully he won't remember it.

Then, he had an ultrasound which, thank goodness, showed no blockage of his GI tract. So, they gave him fluids to offset 30 hours of vomiting and diarrhea and gave him injectable meds to get his GI tract to calm down.

So, we survived an emergency vet visit with Hachi. To make it even more worthwhile, they also did all of the routine stuff that Hachi needed at an annual exam so that ordeal is checked off our list.

Until we adopted Hachi, I could not have imagined how much stress a simple GI issue can cause. Going to the vet is a traumatic event for him so we kept hoping that he'd naturally get better. Then, after deciding that we had no choice but to take him to the vet, we considered all of the worst possible outcomes to prepare for them. I am completely wiped out from it.

I sure hope that our little guy recovers fast and gets back to snow play.


  1. Imagining the worst and hoping for the best , no wonder you are exhausted. Hachi , you are a trooper to come through all this and hopefully still be smiling. What would be easy becomes so difficult, we have had cats who resist so strongly to go into a cage, and we have had to wrap them in a cat blanket and just put them in, almost totally covered at first. I hope you, Runner and Hachi all recover and get some well deserved rest.

  2. I can't imagine how bad this would have been if not for the muzzle/syringe games you played. poor baby and poor humans too.. i hope he is better today and there will be no more vet visits until the next annual.. H is so beautiful. Jake was not as bad as Hachi, but bad enough going to the vet that I got sick for days before his annuals, could not eat, lost weight. and of course he felt my panic.

  3. Hari OM
    Sending some POTP to you all... it's horrid that a routine visit, or even an emergency one, has to have this added layer of stress. Huggies an waggles... YAM xx

  4. That had to be so very scary for you all and we sure hope that dear Hachi improves quickly. I'm glad there wasn't a blockage. Feel better soon Hachi, snow is waiting for your romps.

  5. What an ordeal for all concerned. Sending super strength healing vibes across the Pond to dear Hachi.

  6. Oh no...........KB I'm so sorry for Hachi and you and Runner.
    There is absolutely nothing worse than a sick baby. I'm 200% impressed with your behavioral VET!!! What a professional...and true to her oath.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I hope you and Hachi get all the rest you need. It's tough being a special dog mom, isn't it? So glad everything went so well. We will be thinking about all of you.

  8. Poor Hachi, hopefully the meds do the work and he's feeling better soon. I hope too, that you get to relax a bit and rest from the stress of dealing with his illness.

    Take care, stay well.

  9. I worry about something like this with Luke all the time, so I know just how stressful it must have been. I hope Hachi gets better soon, it has to be such a relief to know there is no blockage. We'll be thinking of you and pulling for him. ♥

  10. We're so sorry to hear Hachi wasn't feeling well and had to go to the vet. It sounds like your training helped him deal with some of the trauma. Our paws are crossed that he recovers quickly.

  11. Good thoughts and healing mojo to Hachi and to you! I remember how terrified I was when we took our Jasper (no real behavioral issues) to the vet and had him unleash a flood of bloody diarrhea on the vet office floor. (Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, which yielded quickly to meds!) I can't imagine how much more stress you'd have with Hachi. :( Love and loving thoughts to you all.

  12. Oh my, such a horrible ordeal for everyone. I'm glad it all worked out well in the end. We pray he's feeling better each day.

  13. XOXOXOXO to Each of you!

  14. Thank goodness that you did the work with him that you did. We are sending lots of AireZen and positive vibes for you, Hachi♥

  15. You developed and perfectly executed a very worable plan. Good going! Hoping Hachi is back to himself by now.

  16. Poor Hachi and poor YOU. we hope his G.I. upset is resoved soon. Hugs to both of uou.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. SO proud of you for getting through this! All your prep training and work paid off. Sounds like the emergency vet was prepared to work with you and listen to you as the plan was made. I can only imagine that the time between the oral sedative and the injection taking effect was not pretty, but you all survived, and I hope Hachi is starting to feel better by now. Thank goodness no blockage!

    Hoping you all are getting some much needed rest today.

    Chris from Boise

  19. How scary and sad for all of you! Thank goodness you have practiced somewhat for a vet visit and it paid off. We sure hope Hatchi feels better soon and doesn't need another visit to the vet. It is so sad when your primary vet doesn't want to treat you for whatever reason. We have felt that betrayal once as well.

  20. How traumatic for all of you. We are praying her feels better and allowed himself to be treated.

  21. Hachi Is In Such Goods Hands - I Am Amazed By The Lengths You Guys Have Taken - I Wish You All The Best And My Heart Worries With You - A Dog That Isn't Hungry Is A Human That Is Very Concerned - Also, I Can Remember When Hachi Was A Pup And Would Curl Up With BLK Dog For Naps - Thanx For Sharing Those Moments With Us On BLK Dog Sunday Today - Next Time You Feel A Breeze On Your Cheek, Its Me And BLK Dog Sending Positive Vibes

    Team Human

  22. Hachi will never know how lucky he is to have found you to love and care for him. So glad you worked with him over the years and were prepared for this ordeal. It's so stressful when they're sick even when they're perfect little angels at the vets. I do hope Hachi feels better soon.

  23. Oh noes!!!! Oh my furiend, I hopes you start feelin' betters soon! Your peeps are the bestest, ya knows that? of course you do. Anyhu, sendin' tons and tons of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens and lots and lots of {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

  24. Aw...poor Hachi. It's clear all your training played a positive part in the initial treatment. Sending oodles of healing energy to your fur-baby.


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