Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

There is joy to be found in every instant. That was our Black Dog's life motto. I thought of him today as a frigid wind swept off the Divide whipping the falling snow into my face. I imagined asking him if he wanted to go outside with me. Wild happy barks reverberated through my head. That's our Black Dog.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Hari Om
    What a fabulous photograph!!! YAM xx

  2. That looks like Bertie yesterday afternoon. We finally had some 'proper' snow in the woods near home and he was racing around like he had rocket boosters attached!

  3. I cried yesterday as I went through our Black Dog photos. I had to clear some of them from the cloud because of space. there were 800 plus pics of Big Boy, I took it to 300. cried all the way through.. I love this photo, true black and white and R was so handsome.. the pics I deleted were ones that were almost identical to others.

  4. Beautiful photo of a dog who loved life always♥

  5. Lovely memories of your handsome boy. Take care, stay well.

  6. R was such a happy dude, always, we miss him too.

  7. Remembering those happy moments is what R would always want for you,He was so full of excitement and happiness.

  8. That photo truly does exemplify R!!! We have said it before, but we are still so happy you are continuing the Saga of R on Sundays.

  9. We love seeing such happy memories of R.

  10. What a teacher, that R! A good reminder to us all - live life to the fullest!

    Chris from Boise

  11. Love seeing images of him enjoying his beloved snow and 'backyard.'

  12. I loves that photo!! Angel R, you always bring a smile to my face!
    Ruby ♥


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