Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 8, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi and I went for a sunrise bike ride this week, and it was wonderful! He looked so very serious as the sun peeked over the eastern hills.

Then, he burst into action when I called him.

It is such a joy for me to be able to take him for a trail ride. With nobody around Lab Valley, I don't have to worry about whether we might see the wrong people. Instead, we can relax and have fun.

Hachi did really well with hanging out in the new house while construction was underway. He seemed relaxed when he was tucked away in his safe place.

The one down moment for the week was when someone who was working on the house came outside even though we asked them not to for a few minutes while we let Hachi and Shyla play. It turned out fine but I hate it when Hachi "reacts" without thinking.

Overall, it was a great week for Hachi. I love weeks like this one.


  1. such good news...we are happy to read about such fab times ...and we love the photos...

  2. Hari Om
    In some ways it is good that Hachi gets a challenge or two... in order to maintain learning. But it is so good he is happier these days. YAM xx

  3. That is some deep snow and you just "glow" in those photos, Hachi!

  4. Hachi gets more handsome every day... i love his FACE! so beautiful. glad the episode turned out well...

  5. Wow, that snow is deep! Enjoy your play Hachi.

  6. What great action shots and I'm so happy Hachi had such a great week. I hope this week is even better.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Just caught up with black dog Sunday....as always a joy to see R.
    Hachi...what is it with worker bees not listening. We had interior painting and new flooring installed back in 2016. Madi and I were sequestered in the Blog office with a ginormous sign in RED saying Cat is in here, KNOCK before entering. Crazy worker bee just barged in...might I add I used my very serious, outside and not so happy Mommy voice too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hachi sure looks like he was having a blast!

  9. We hope Lab Valley will give Hachi many more wonderful weeks like you had this week. A sad truth about people is that even if you tell them something they will just do what they want.

  10. That snow's up to his belly...it's great that doesn't bother him. Too bad some people can't honor simple requests. Glad that got sorted out ok. We anticipate many, many more good days and weeks and months and years ahead for Hachi.

  11. He is sure making a lot of progress, and that makes not only him happy, but you too.

  12. Hachi looks like he takes on everything in his life with great intensity. Those hikes must help a lot in consuming some of his energy. We are amazed at how "adult" he is looking now - no more puppy Hachi:)

  13. His new environment continues to be reaffirming...just what your boy needs.

  14. Oh, that is FABulous news Hachi! I am so glads you can just relax and do YOU!
    And, those pics are just the most HANDSOME!!!
    Ruby ♥


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