Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Prey and predators in Lion Gulch

We humans tend to think of the Earth as our world. It is easy to forget the wildlife who live almost invisible lives in the wilderness. They work hard to find enough to eat, have social networks and families, and need the space to do these things.

Deep in a gulch, there's a spot that is adjacent to a meadow where deer and moose like to browse. Mountain lions cruise through here, leaving scrapes and hunting those herbivores.

This video is special because it includes a mother mountain lion and her kitten. The kitten has well defined spots which tells me that he's young, probably 2-3 months old. It's amazing to see them pass through this spot, especially since a big male lion marked there before they arrived and then again afterwards. In all likelihood, the mother and the male know each other. In fact, the male might be the father.

It's a fun little video. Enjoy!


  1. I had the feeling to come over with some blankets ;O)))

  2. Hi KB, I am a wildlife film producer from Wildstar films in the UK. I am currently working on a series for National Geographic, I was wondering if you have an email address I could contact you on.

    1. Hi. Thanks so much for asking. My email is kynabear5@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

  3. Hari OM
    A super wee mashup movie of the life out of sight!!! (And an exciting contact from Wildstar... I hope you get an offer from them!) YAM xx

  4. Is there an animal that has a more bushy tail than the fox?! We loved the video!

  5. Yam says so well what I was feeling watching this... it makes me wonder how much is moving around even here in the city during the night. they don't seem to care at all that is is cold and snowing...

  6. We always enjoy the variety of animals you capture on your cams. That kitten was so cute. We hope to see more of him or her soon.

  7. The sheer volume of wildlife is simply amazing! The kitten is adorable. Of course, I think that...I love the cats.
    Take care, stay well.

  8. I so enjoy the wildlife in your neck of the woods. Thank you for giving us a look at what we never see.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Amazing! Such a safe and fun way to see what is going on out there!

  10. KB............ a great big thank you for the effort takes in the snow to set up cams and fetch sim cards for us
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Talk about up front and personal in the first frames. :)

  12. Another busy wildlife highway ;-). Really enjoyed seeing the cub up close!!

  13. Amazing how much wildlife passes through one area. The use of trail cams is certainly a great idea to see who is visiting.

  14. Lions, foxes, moose, deer, you gots it all! (wells, not the bears, butts I guess we'll have to waits a few months more 😉) Loves the lion selfies!
    Ruby ♥

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  16. Wild life is amazing to see. It's even more amazing that they are able to survive, especially now with so much area taken over by the humans.


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