Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 26, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday - A mother bobcat and her three kittens!

 In the fast pace of our life this fall, I almost missed that my trail cam had captured a true gem. Somehow, a big family of bobcats had flown under the radar all summer!

Bobcat kittens are born in the spring, and they usually stay with their mom into the winter. In the past, I've seen a mother with one or two kittens. In this case, she has THREE! My first glimpse of this family wasn't until October in the video that I'm sharing here.

I love what a peaceful scene this is. It isn't close to a main trail so the bobcat family wasn't under pressure from humans. They simply moved as a unit through the forest, with two kittens pausing to investigate my camera. When they briefly exited the camera's view, they were probably investigating a rocky outcropping where bobcats sometimes hunt for rodents.

Check out the short video!


  1. the smile of the kitten!!! so adórable...

  2. Mom and her kittens are so cute!

  3. I never knew until I started watching your videos how beautiful bobcats are. the markings on the mothers face are gorgeous... they are so so beautiful

  4. What a great capture from your trail cam. We hope you were able to see them again on some other cams too.

  5. The kittens all look like they're thriving. Well done Mommy Bobcat!

  6. Beautiful animals - she must be an amazing mother to get three babies through the dangers of their first year.

    Take care, stay well.

  7. Aw, so adorable. I love the big cats and I love seeing all the wildlife that you capture. Thank you for that.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Love seeing those little kittens-they are just adorable. Happy Friday!

  9. Mom had some mighty nutritional milk and fine hunting skills those kittens are beautiful and healthy.
    Hugs Ceiclia

  10. What a great video, and they all look happy and healthy!!

  11. They are just so adorable. What a great capture!

  12. What a special catch!!! The pups and Mom all look very healthy and well-fed.

  13. I echo others - that momma did a great job!

    Chris from Boise

  14. They really are precious and adorable too.

  15. Fascinating. Like house cats they don't like the camera.

  16. W O W ! That is a great capture. They don't like their privacy invaded. But this was great. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.


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