Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I had such a beautiful morning out in fresh snow a couple of days ago. We were out very early, just as the sunlight was touching our spot in the mountains. The forest was still dark but the open areas were bright. The white snow was fresh and powdery.

We were at our old place so we visited some familiar spots. This was a spot where Shyla often raced our Black Dog. It reminded me of how pleasantly surprised I've been that Shyla was ready to be the eldest dog in our pack. I feared that she might crumble when she lost her big brother but she did not. That doesn't minimize how much we all miss him. However, I am glad that Shyla has zoomed onward on her own. She is a reminder of how far a dog can come when they are given the time and space to grow.

Shyla makes every day brighter for the rest of us. I hope that we do the same for her. 

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. Hari OM
    Having a little brother to keep in line probably helped - gorgeous gal! YAM xx

  2. I know in my heart you make her heart brighter as she does yours. Beau has brighten our lives beyond compare throught the grief of losing Big... he is a bright light 24/7

  3. We love seeing the beautiful flying snow Shyla!

  4. Shyla I your gusto makes me giddy with glee. I love the last photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. You and Shyla make our days brighter too.

  6. No need to hope for Shyla, it's so clear that with all that you have given her, love most of all and most important, she is thriving. She looks so happy and full of life. I too miss Black Dog. Some dogs touch your heart and he did mine.

  7. You make our days brighter too, Shyla♥

  8. Look at that gorgeous powder! Shyla clearly enjoys running on snow.

  9. Happy Shyla! The photos make me happy to see her joy.

  10. I think it's everything you have done for her that enabled her to become stronger and to be able to get through the loss of her brother. ♥

  11. I've read through the comments and thought, "I could have written each one of them, they all reflect how I feel." And yes, I too think that Hachi has helped to give Shyla new purpose in life.

  12. R passed her the torch and she is carrying it proudly and well.

  13. It is wonderful to see how seamlessly she has stepped into the leadership role.


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