Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Lest you think that our Black Dog was always a goofy and easily-contained dog, check out his focus as a younger dog. He was in a "stay", waiting for me to call him. When I said the word, he'd run to me like a freight train, stopping for nothing in his path. I adored his intensity.

He had that same intensity for almost everything including eating a meal, getting a frozen kong, his "Manners Minder", greeting a friend either human or canine, going swimming, running through the flowers, trying to dig up a rodent, and playing in the snow. To the very end, he did nothing half-heartedly.

I wish that I could be more like him - finding joyful focus in everything. Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Beau does this also, he can't run in slow motion, he sprints like a freight train. we thought by getting a 7 year old dog he would be less energetic. wrong. kisses to you in heaven, sweet R

  2. We loved your fun spirit and that you remained puppy-like forever, R♥

  3. KB R's eyes are full of love focused on you. I love chocolate brown eyes.
    Our families' DNA has produced all blue or green eyes. My son in law has the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. What a handsome dog! The intensity in his brown eyes is lovely.

    Take care, stay well.

  5. Our beagle Cricket was like that too - she never did anything half way; and she stayed that way right up until the end too. ♥

  6. loyalty. courage. non complaining. protective. fun.
    and LOVE.
    yes. I wish I were more like him too. I'll keep working on it. XO

  7. Brut was that intense. He was an all or nothing dog. lol Wish it was that easy to be like our dogs.

  8. What a lovely portrait of R in such a serious look. I like your term "joyful focus" and think we could all use a bit of that.

  9. Some pups take more of our hearts with them when they go...your Black Dog was one of those.

  10. I also love how he was so much in the moment -- So many good qualities to aspire to! ❤

  11. I am lucky to have been able to enjoy his life with you.

  12. I never gets tired of seein' that handsome face! 😍
    Ruby ♥

  13. Aww, such a sweet boy and precious face.


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