Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi seems physically completely recovered from his hemorrhagic diarrhea. It was such a scary illness. I've never seen one of our young dogs so obviously gravely ill. He was unable to eat or drink and pathologically subdued. I repeatedly checked that he was still breathing. 

In the midst of it, we had a lot of trouble getting vets to help us. They'd say things like "we don't have time to treat Hachi today" or "he must come to the hospital to have another full exam before we can prescribe for him" (when he'd been in for a sedated full exam the day before - and we felt that the stress of another exam would hurt him).

It's the first time that we've ever had a dog like Hachi as part of our family. He's so fearful and reactive that it does require extra time and carefulness to treat him, even when he's wearing a muzzle. Was the reluctance to treat him because he's a fearful and reactive dog? I pondered that question many times during the crisis. For now, I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the vets.  We've never experienced that before. Perhaps the pandemic and the closure of a nearby vet hospital conspired to make them insanely busy.

Last Saturday, we felt like we *had* to do something. Perhaps I was overreacting but I honestly felt like he might slip away if we didn't get some fluids and medicines into him. In that time of terrible angst, it was our behavioral vet who was our savior. I am so grateful for her guiding us via text well into Saturday night. She made his downward spiral turn around. After she found a hospital who would sell us fluids and injectable meds, she then coached us on administering them to Hachi. The change in Hachi after that treatment was nothing short of miraculous. 

One thing that I've learned is that we will need to advocate for Hachi more than for any of our other dogs. It's one thing for a pet professional to verbally laud our efforts in rescuing and rehabbing him but it's quite another for them to come through with care when he needs it. We will hold our behavioral vet close because she truly understands. Helping dogs like Hachi is her calling.

I fully expect to see Hachi playing with Shyla like this again soon. His behavior has returned to normal - it was indeed a blip that he acted aggressively toward Shyla while sick. We are staying at our old place to avoid subjecting him to the stress of living in a construction zone.  Our old place is great for stress-reduction but there's no place for them to run and play like at Lab Valley. Like so many things, it's a tradeoff.

We are so glad that Hachi has mended.


  1. we are so super glad with you!!! it is a mission impossible this time to get a vet appointment... but baby jeesuz was with us and sent a vet to our neighbor for his sheeps... and we got a "street treatment" too...yay!

  2. Thank goodness for your behavioral vet! What a huge helping hand she was and we are so happy that Hachi has mended.

  3. I'm so pleased to read that Hachi is recovering, and yes, thank goodness you have such a dedicated behavioural vet, and that, between you, you managed to give Hachi the treatment he needed.
    Here's hoping for a smoother ride now - you must be exhausted.
    All the best,

  4. WoW, You Humans Are The Best - Such Stressful Times And Yet You Prevailed And Even Stepped It Up Once Again - Thank You For Always Being The Better Person - Your Compassion Is Remarkable And You Are Adding Up Karma Coupons Like Crazy - Well Done - Go Team Human

    Big Hugs

  5. Hari Om
    In all that, waw the possible cause determined? I do so hope this was a oneoff and that Hachi's recovery continues speedily. Hoorah to all who soldiered through this. YAM xx

  6. I am so glad he is better and that you were able to get help. I am sure he would have died if you did not get help. i have never had a vet turn away a very sick dog, i am thinking it was the hassle they would have. they had to know he needed fluids as sick as he was. they could have sedated him and then gave him fluids.

  7. Phew, I'm glad he's better! Hooray for your behavioral vet!

  8. We're so glad to hear Hachi has fully recovered and is acting well towards Shyla again. You are so lucky to have the behavior vet to help you. We hope you can move into your new home soon and have lots of peace and play time for the pups.

  9. I so think we have to advocate for all our dogs-behavioral problems or not. I used to let vet techs take my dogs without me and things starting happening ( a dog would come back limping for no reason, or another time when my dog had something on his paw and the vet tech took him, sedated him without permission and cut a piece off of his paw without permission-she did not even ask us or tell us that was what she was going to do). Now I do not let a vet tech take my dog without me (except in an emergency vet for xrays-otherwise I had a vet who would let me come back for xrays too and let me put on the equipment). I know this covid stuff has changed all that and I am so glad I have healthy dogs right now because I would be totally traumatized if I had to turn my dog over without me there to advocate for them. We moved to a new area so I need to find a vet I can trust so if they have to walk us through something (luckily my husband is medical and knows how to do the fluid thing for the dogs) that we can do it. You are such strong people and such good dog advocates.

  10. I'm so happy Hachi is back to normal. What's up with the vets office though. That makes no sense to me.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  11. I'm so glad that Hachi is doing better. I'm also glad you have one good Vet, the behavioral Vet. Sadly, we wouldn't be as forgiving as you with the others, they totally weren't there for you when you needed them.

  12. Thank you so much for this update. We have been wondering and worrying about Hachi. You behavioral vet is an angel in disguise. Our deepest thanks to her for her good sense and kindness.

  13. A fully recovery is great news! Way to advocate for Hachi. Some of these reactive dogs need extra special care and I'm thrilled to hear you found someone who can handle that special care.

  14. So very scary KB...to be in desperate need of help for your precious Hachi....
    I'm guessing you had never needed a behavioral vet before but OMDs what a treasure to have that professional who remembered to the oath she took....all the extra effort to find fluids and guide you! She needs an an award!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. So sorry you ran into so many obstacles trying to get help for Hachi. I'm so glad your behavioral vet came through and could help you find a way to help. It is tough, but not impossible for dogs like Hachi. Keep at it. It will make both of you stronger. ♥

  16. Really appreciate the update! Sounds like it's time for an open conversation with your regular vet about what you can expect from them and they can expect from you - whether they can fulfill Hachi's needs going forward and if not, do they (or your behavioral vet) have a recommendation for a new vet. So glad you and your behavioral vet were on the same page, and that she was able to work the system for Hachi. And SO glad that you all came through it OK.

    Chris from Boise

  17. will the Real Vet who Truly LOVES animals please stand up!
    YES. she is the one who would be the First I'd go to for Anything with beloved little Hachi! XO

  18. That's good news! I hope you'll be able to be at the new place soon so the pups have a place to run and be themselves.

    Take care, stay well.

  19. I think your instincts about Hachi being gravely ill were right on. As others have already said, I'm so glad you found help and were able to do get what you needed and do what you needed yourselves.

  20. We are so glad he recovered so well and is doing great. Hopefully he can play with Shyla again soon. It is really sad and frightening that vets would not help you or take the time to understand your situation.

  21. We are glad too. You are the only family he could have survived in.

  22. I am so glad for you and Hachi as well that he is all better. I'm also glad you have at least one understanding and helpful vet, and that Hachi has you to advocate for him. ♥


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