Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Shyla Saturday

We spent some time at the old house this week as the construction started to take over the entire new house. It was so nice to have an oasis from the chaos. Despite that luxury, I was hit with a train of migraines that has continued. So, I'll keep this post short and try to get some rest tonight.

Shyla and I visited our old haunts during our early morning bike rides. It was a cloudy time so we didn't find great golden hour light but we still had fun.

I was feeling the stress of having such an unpredictable life. While we have a great construction crew, it's hard to predict how disruptive their work will be. So, we cannot predict which house we'll be living in on a given day. And, our old place is moving toward sale even though it's not on the market yet. Feeling the squeeze between the remodel schedule and possibly selling the old place has put me on edge. That's probably part of the reason for the almost daily migraines.

Shyla could feel it too. She woke us up in the middle of the night looking for reassurance. She reads us humans so well. There's no hiding anxiety from her, and she takes our emotions as her own.

We did the best we could to have fun during our morning time together. Shyla sang out her worries from atop Hug Hill.

The cloud bank behind her completely covered the snowy mountains. The clouds are now finally bringing some snow, and that's a good thing during this incredibly dry winter. Plus, Shyla loves playing with her brother in the snow.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Do you have any videos that has the sound that we could hear shahla when she sings. No wonder you're having headaches two houses under construction at one time would be unbearable and you're right about the dogs picking up anything that we feel

  2. Hari OM
    It has beem recognised that moving home is one of the top five life stressors. Knowing this doesn't ease the stress but it stops us piling any sense of guilt or other pains on top of it! Rest well dear blogpal. Don't press to make posts during this time - we'll be here when you have the time again. YAM xx

  3. We're glad you have Shyla to help you through the tough times. Moving is stressful enough and renovating the new house can't help either. We agree with Yam that you shouldn't feel any pressure from us to post if you aren't feeling up to it. We'll be here when you are ready.

  4. You are one very special girl, Shyla. We hope the anxiety is over soon.

  5. Feel better soon and focus on how lovely your new home will be once the construction is completed.

  6. Renovations and alterations are a massive upheaval, and to know one other home might be sold adds extra stress. Hang on tight, the end will come and you will be able to relax in one home rather than going to and fro. I hope you get snow to give that much needed moisture.

  7. That sure has to be tough with going from place to place but hopefully will be all be done soon.

  8. KB, Runner, Shyla and Hachi...renovations are so stressful...and dirty and noisy...surely enough to cause anxiety. Here's hoping you can soon see the light at the end of the tunnel
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Maybe you should get up on that hill and sing out your worries along with Shyla. :) Living through construction plus buying and selling homes is difficult, and I'm sure you can't wait for the day when everything is finally settled. Just try to take care of yourself as best you can in the meantime. ♥

  10. We sure hope you are feeling better soon. Migraines are debilitating. And we know you are strong. But selling a house, buying a house, renovating a house - any ONE of those events is stressful. Hope life settles down soon.

  11. Such a pretty girl and the photo is stunning. Hope you're feeling better soon and the house construction is completed so that the stress level decreases. If it's any consolation, I haven't had a migraine since I went through menopause.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. I second OP pack. Being finally settled at Lab Valley will be wonderful, but the coordination of all these in-between stages is a lot to ask of anyone! Hang in there! Self-care where possible!

    Chris from Boise

  13. Shyla is queen of the mountain. I hope your migraines ease.

  14. Oh, Ma's my-grains have been a bear too lately ☹ I hopes they ease for you soon. I can't imagine all that going on at once ~ butts, just think when it's all done, and you have your nirvana all to yourselves....🤗
    Ruby ♥
    pees: Shyla, my pal, I thinks I heard you this morning....😉

  15. Remodelling/building/selling are usually stressful. Be kind to yourself.


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