Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 12, 2021

Nature and Feline Friday - A Huge Male Mountain Lion in Full Sunlight

Close to a human trail but hidden from it, a humongous mountain lion appeared around noon on a Sunday. He was in an area where groups of mule deer pass on a regular basis.

At first, the lion seemed primarily concerned with sniffing the scrapes in the spot, perhaps checking whether other lions had visited the spot recently. Then, he looked pointedly to the left of the frame where the trail is. I wonder if he heard some people passing by. They could not have seen him. As a lion should, he seemed to note their presence but wasn't too interested. I'm sure that he's seen a lot of people in his day.

When he finally turned to exit the frame to the right, you can see that his stomach was very full. He must have been feasting on a deer or elk shortly earlier. 

I also noticed that he might have been favoring his left front paw. I am wondering if others notice the same thing.

Check out the video if you have time. It's not common to get such a great view of a mountain lion in broad daylight!


  1. ho careful the lion scanned the ground... and we love the sunlight... it is like magic ;OL)

  2. He is absolutely stunning to look at and Ally could not have been any more perfect if you had special-ordered it! And I do agree it looks like his left front paw is tender and he is limping a little. He is so Majestic and his face is just gorgeous and I love when he was sniffing the end of the stick

  3. Hari OM
    What a handsome dude!!! I also think he might be an older fellow and that left forepaw looks a tad inflamed - I am going to guess at maybe a bit of arthritis. It is definitely a little uncomfy for him. YAM xx

  4. His tummy is full and he does look like he's limping. We hope that his foot feels better soon.

  5. Oh my he is a big guy. So beautiful! Betsy

  6. He's a beauty. I hope his paw is a temporary issue and not a forever one. When we get older stuff hurts far more. Amazing video.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Stunning daytime footage, and he is favouring that paw, what a magnificent fellow, hope his foot heals and you get more videos like this one.

  8. That is one mighty fine looking critter!

  9. What a beautiful mountain lion. I agree he is favoring the front left paw. I hope nothing more serious than a cut in his pad ..seems to be he puts the paw down carefully
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Didn't notice a foot injury but I was mesmerized by the branches on that tree which looked like antlers. A beautiful video.

  11. I watched the video carefully and agree that the lion is always standing with his weight on his front right and never puts his left fully down. He is such a beauty. I hope he heals quickly.

  12. First time around I was too transfixed by the mountain lion's handsome face to pay attention to his paws, but on second viewing I can see you have a point about the slight limp.

  13. What beautiful whiskers! Agreed on the L front limp. And the second doe spent a looong time sniffing around the lion scrapes. Know thy enemy!

    Chris from Boise

  14. what a beautiful creature!!! Bet he was happy to have that full tummy:)

  15. What a gorgeous cat! I'm not sure if he was favoring one paw though there was one moment that I thought it looked swollen.

  16. Do the mountain lions hunt and kill deer?


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