Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for early mornings, Shyla, and my camera. When the sun first kisses Shyla's face, it's a sight to behold.


Often it's painfully cold with the wind whipping the snow around but Shyla's enthusiasm makes me smile. She is so expressive with her voice and her body language. Trying to capture her spirit with my camera is fun.

For me, it takes some effort to stay happy in the winter because I tend to have trouble with the short days of winter. One of the efforts that is always worth it is being outside with Shyla at sunrise, and I am thankful for that.


  1. she is a super pup!!! and to smile even when the wind blows like crazy is a sign of our love...

  2. Shyla is so beautiful - hard not to be cheered by the sight of her glowing in the early morning sun.
    If you don't like the short daylight hours of winter, then spare a thought for Bertie and me in Aberdeen - at a latitude just a tad south of Juneau, Alaska!
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Hari OM
    ....sigh..... I's smiling now. YAM xx

  4. We just adore that warm glow on your beautiful face, Shyla.

  5. I told my husband this morning that the effort is getting harder and harder to be happy and content with this pandemic raging that keeps me from doing what I really want to do. Shyla is so beautiful when the sun touches her she just glows. When she howls does it sound like a wolf howling

  6. She definitely glows in the sunlight. Good on you for getting out in the cold and dark to get these photos.

    Take care, stay well!

  7. Shyla has an extra warm glow with that beautiful morning sun on her face. We're not much for early mornings here but we sure love seeing yours.

  8. Up and at 'em! Our hens are reporting that the days are getting longer; their egg-laying as picked up in the last couple of weeks. Hope you're feeling the increasing day length and your heart is lifting - despite those arctic winds!

    Loved the predator/prey video from a couple of days ago, too. Your camera placement is amazing!

    Chris from Boise

  9. Shyla you are at your shiniest in the Sun..often it is a toss up who is Brighter you are the Sun. Certainly you both enhance each other.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Great shots as always. You're a whiz at photography.

    I'm with you on the sort days of winter. I'm ready for spring.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. We know that sweet Shyla makes your heart smile, ours too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. It's tough to find hope in the middle of winter, but a sun-kissed Shyla will do it every time. :)

  13. With the low sun the light is beautiful on snowy hillsides. As always, great images of your girl and her 'playground.'

  14. Shyla is a wonderful model and you are a wonderful photographer!

  15. We all love winter with the shorter days, snow, and cold, but not fans of the wind. Especially now as we have been below zero mostly for a week now, just a light wind is really too much. Days are getting longer for you, so enjoy the extra light.

    1. Yes, I love a snowy day with lots of light :) I hope that it warms for you soon.

  16. We know how much you enjoy your time outside. It will be springtime soon, or at least that is my wishful thinking:)

  17. Oh my, I love that first photo as the expression on Shyla's face made me feel so happy :)

  18. Getting out at dawn has to be a great way to try to beat those winter blues though!


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