Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

A pee-mail spot with lots of visitors

When I find a mountain lion scrape in the forest, I tend to think of that place as a lion place. But, it often is popular with far more species than just mountain lions.

In this case, the scrape area is visited by foxes, bobcats, skunks, and lions. You'll notice a mostly black fox with a white tip on his tail. That's the silver morph of a red fox. Apparently, they often look silvery over their whole body but, around here, I've seen only black ones. He is cool looking.

You'll also see that a mountain lion has a kink in her tail. That is often caused by in-breeding which is sometimes a sign that a mountain lion population is in trouble. I'm hoping that this lion's kinked tail is an old injury rather than a genetic aberration. A later lion decided to roll around where the main scrape is. I've seen that behavior before but it always surprises me!

Enjoy the video!


  1. that is sad to read and to see..is there anything what is doable to avoid inbreeding(in case it is no damage but genetic thing)

  2. I too hope it was an old injury
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. I love the roll over. Such a beautiful cat. I hope it's not a problem with the inbreeding

  4. Another great video. I've never heard of a silver morph of a red fox. We've had foxes on our property for all the 30+ years we've been here and have only seen the red color.

  5. I'm with you and hope it's an old injury too. They are such beautiful animals.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  6. I never saw or even heard of a black fox before. It's wonderful to learn so much about wildlife as you share these videos and your deep knowledge of the animals that live around you.

  7. I've never seen a black fox before, very cool! The skunks made me chuckle as they hustled across the screen. It's amazing to me, the "cat" behaviour of these big animals is so much like that of a domestic house cat.
    Thanks for sharing! Take care, stay well.

  8. Amazing! We hope it's an old injury too. They are something to see.

  9. Love the mountain lion playfully rolling!

  10. Fingers crossed it's 'just' an injury. She's absolutely beautiful and I loved that she rolled on the scrape. Just a big ole 'house cat,' right? 😊

  11. We too have never seen a silver or black fox. Only those red ones around here. So fun to watch that rolling around.

  12. Thank you for the video. That spot is like the central post office.

  13. What a busy spot. I know skunks are rather aromatic but I quite enjoyed seeing that one scuttle across as fast as its little legs would go :)

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