Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 8, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been a week of Hachi getting back to 100% since his illness. He seems like he feels great. We've kept him away from the construction because our guess was that stress was a big part of why he was so sick. Now, with Shyla having had seemingly the same illness, we are not so sure about that. However, whether it made him sick or not, it was stressful, and it seems better to stay away from the construction.

A couple of good things came from Hachi's bout with this illness. We learned more about the best place to get him veterinary care, and we learned about what an amazing resource our behavioral vet is. We found out that the method for sedation used for most dogs didn't seem to slow him down at all. The vet went to Plan B which did work. As hoped, the sedation prevented the long period of fear that resulted from Hachi's previous visit to the vet. That is good.

On the day when Shyla went to the hospital, we both had to be away from home at Hachi's medication time. Yet, we were pleasantly stunned that it worked well to have our and Hachi's good friend come into our house to give him his pill pocket. Hachi has known this friend since he was a teeny tiny puppy, and he loves to see her on the trails. We didn't know for sure how he'd handle her coming into our house when we were gone. But, she says that he wagged his entire body from inside his ex pen. She gave him his pills and patted him. Yipee - that is a big step for Hachi! Learning to trust is a challenge for Hachi.

Now, all of us are hoping for a very boring week. No illnesses and little stress will make all of us happy, including Hachi.


  1. that is so good! and yes, we hope for a boring week... no events... just a week...

  2. Hari om
    All the positives here make joyous reading! YAM xx

  3. prayers for a boring week for all of you... and i am so happy for Hachi that he allowed someone to come in and give his meds.. YAY you go Hachi

  4. It's wonderful to see you happy and sprinting again, Hachi! Boring weeks are not always a bad thing.

  5. That is terrific (on several levels!) that your friend could enter the house and hand over a Pill Pocket to a happy Hachi!

    Yes - here's to boring - at least for a bit!

    Chris from Boise

  6. That's wonderful that Hachi was willing to take his pill pocket from a good friend. I'm sure that eases some of your worries.

    Have a great (and boring) week!

  7. I agree Boring is the best kinda week.
    Glad to read the H Chronicles and hugs to Shyla as she continues to recover

  8. That's great news about Hachi. We hope you all have a wonderful and quiet week.

  9. It's good to see him happy again. Well too. I'm thinking the construction wasn't the issue, but I'm not expert. You may be on to something.

    Glad your friend came over to get him his medicine and it worked out well. Really great news.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Boring, stress free, whichever title suits, let that long reign in your homes.Hachi, what great news for another lovely person to give you your pills, a huge milestone, and to find a vet and a process that works, Wonderful too. Let good health continue .

  11. With reactive dogs, boring is always a good thing. So glad Hachi is back to 100% and did well with his drop-in caregiver. Clearly all your training and behavioral modification is paying off in big dividends.

  12. That really is great news and yes, here's to a completely boring and uneventful week!

  13. We sure hope both pups are so much better now and won't be getting sick again. What a wonderful step for Hachi to accept your friend to come in and care for him!!!

  14. Hachi proves what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  15. We sure hope you have a nice boring week. You all need to recoup and get back on track. Great that Hatchi took his pill from the lady. That is pretty amazing.

  16. YAY HACHI!!! Oh, that is pawsome news my furiend!
    Sendin' lots and lots of POTP to Shyla and you my pals!
    Ruby ♥

  17. Yay for Hachi, and for quiet weeks! ♥


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