Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

On a recent snowy day at our old place, I stopped to gaze at this sign where the "back trail" heads into our land. I love the understated humor in it. It's even funnier if you knew our Black Dog, He was far too friendly to be a guard dog. We do plan to take it with us to guard over Lab Valley.


Shyla and I have done some short walks together since she came home from the hospital, out past our "Black Dog Guard Dog" sign and then to a spot that is bathed in warm sun at this time of year. I used to take her and R's photo there at this time of year. We paused to gaze at the spot, remembering her sweet big brother. 

Shyla used to rely on R's support to stand tall and confident. Thanks to him, she now stands tall on her own.

 Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Oh that picture of Black Dog and Shyla together is unbelievably wonderful and touching. And I too like the 'scary labrador' sign!

  2. Hari om
    That's an image deserving of a frame!!! YAM xx

  3. This is one of the best pictures you have at them they both look absolutely beautiful together with the sun on them and they're gorgeous heads outlined

  4. What a beautiful photo and Shyla and R together. They just shine.

  5. KB your gift with such beautiful words about your precious pack and your land make my heart sing.
    I love the last sentence under the LabraDuo pic. Each being on earth has a purpose...R was a mentor, teacher and beloved friend to all. Very happy to hear Shyla is out and about where she shines literally and physically
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. We love that "guard dog" sign and love how funny that is in reference to R. We're glad to hear Shyla is feeling well enough for a walk. That's such a lovely picture of Shyla and R.

  7. Such wonderful photos and memories, everywhere in your Valley.

  8. R was the support, helper, advisor, giving confidence and love ,and Shyla and you can be so thankful. Great sign, hope it does ward off any intruders.

  9. Glad to hear Shyla is doing well enough for a walk. Your Black Dog was a great companion and sensei for you and her.

  10. So funny about the guard dog sign. Made me laugh out loud when I thought of R!
    So glad Shyla's on the mend. Hugs and love.

  11. A great sign, good that you are taking it with you. And how I love your Black dog, I tear up every time I see his picture. He was special and could touch hearts.

  12. I think R has been watching over her as well. So glad she is still improving. ♥

  13. I keep thinking "Best Black Dog photo ever". Then the next Sunday comes along and...wow!

    Glad Shyla's feeling well enough to go for a walk with you.

    Chris from Boise

  14. ohmygosh. that's the most beautiful picture of them both! I would frame it and hang it where I could Always see it. thank you so much for posting it here. xoxo

  15. That's a great legacy Black Dog left with Shyla.

  16. I agree with Tammy, what an incredible photo of Shyla and R. Happy to hear she's feeling some better.

    Take care, stay well.

  17. R was a great mentor and support for Shyla. We hope both she and Hachi are doing better. We sure do miss R.

  18. Oh R, I knows you are watchin' overs her ~ keep it up, and I'll send lots and lots of POTP and more healin' vibes her way! {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  19. IF I saw that sign I'd be looking for the dog so I could fuss over them - if they wanted me to, of course, but most labs in my experience do.


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