Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla was well enough to come home yesterday afternoon. They used an IV to rehydrate her. They said that it was a very bad case of dehydration caused by "acute hemorrhagic diarrhea". Her blood pressure fell to a low level, and many of her bloodwork values were very "wrong" due to dehydration.

No one can explain the cause of the dual illnesses of Hachi and Shyla. We have racked our brains for a commonality but we haven't found one. The 13 day gap between their illnesses is too long for a virus or other pathogen to have been passed between them.

Now, we will rest and hope that we are finished with this illness. I am so happy to have our sweet girl home.


  1. We are so happy that you are home with your family, Shyla. We continue to send you AireZen and healing vibes for a 100% recovery.

  2. Great to see that Shyla's home. She is looking a bit sorry for herself today, but we suspect that won't last.

  3. Relieved to hear Shyla's better and home.

  4. Hari OM
    Well, here's to that never happening again!!! Welcome home Shyla gal. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. I can't tell you how happy I am this morning to see that she's home and feeling better. I know that this had to be just too scary with both of them getting so sick so close together. Prayers that they will continue to get better and better and not get tangled up with whatever it was again

  6. Shyla darlin' friend thank goodness I have surely had you all in my prayers and will continue to do so as you regain your strength. I know the peeps wish they could find the culprit.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We're sure happy that sweet Shyla is home and we hope that she is all better super soon.

  8. We're so glad to hear Shyla is home and feeling better now. Our paws are crossed that it never happens again to either of your pups.

  9. I'm happy your girl is home too. I hope she will continue to get better. Big healing scritches. ♥

  10. So glad Shyla is doing well. Thanks for letting us know how fast things can deteriorate when they get sick like this.

  11. Such good news, and if only you can find the cause, could any of the contractors thrown away any food? Hope the recovery continues well for them both and you can get some much needed rest.

  12. So glad your precious girl is home and improving. Fingers crossed this doesn't happen again.

  13. How did she do while staying at the Vet's? I know you've worked so hard with her to get over many of her fears. Thankful she is home and resting.

  14. such good news! I'm rejoicing with you. it's so great you were able to get her help immediately! xo

  15. So glad your girl is home! That must be the best feeling ever! Wishing Shyla a healthy recovery. ♥

  16. I second Yamini - "Well, here's to that never happening again!!!" Maybe with a couple more exclamation points!!!

    Chris from Boise

  17. Glad to hear Shyla is home and I agree with other commenters, I hope it never happens again.
    Take care, stay well.

  18. Yay, I'm so happy she's home, and relieved for you. I hope everyone is healthy from here on out. ♥

  19. Oh YES!!!! Good news indeed. Too bad you can't figure out the cause, but hopefully it is all in the past now.

  20. Oh No..I missed your last post but I'm so glad to hear that Shyla is back home again. Best wishes for a speedy complete recovery!

  21. That is great news. Could it be salvia from Hachi on a toy that Shyla played with two weeks later?

  22. so glad she is home. scary stuff. get well soon!!


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