Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

A Project with Spring Overtones

It's technically spring now even though it's been snowing almost every night here. In the spirit of spring, this is a post about a bird that I saw last spring, a Western Tanager. These birds love pine trees, and it's really hard to get a good photo of them that isn't filled with dark twigs and other stuff. In this case, he flitted out of the pine canopy briefly, and I snapped a photo.

I used this photo in a course about using Photoshop for art work. The idea is that you use a photo that you took, and you use tools within Photoshop to give your subject a different background. It is not meant to trick people into thinking that your new background is real. Rather, it lets you use art to highlight your subject.

In this case, I wanted to make a background for the Tanager that reflected the deep green and textured background that the boughs of a pine tree create. I also wanted to use colors that complement the Tanager's colors. This is what I came up with.

I have no idea if it is "good" but I do know that I loved the process of creating it. I was totally engrossed in trying to use certain colors to complement the Tanager. It was such a relaxing project.

It will still be a couple of months before I see a Tanager this year but this one has made me smile through the recent snowstorms!


  1. we love it an it shows this fabulous colors !!!

  2. What a beautiful little bird against either background!

  3. Hari Om
    The bird is the star no matter what - and that was the aim, heh na? I love to mess around with image modification - it is nearly as satisfying as mucking around with a whole box of paints! YAM xx

  4. Both pictures are great and you did a great job of removing that branch from his tail, too.

  5. I used to use photoshop only, but picmonkey does the same things and is faster for me. I agree, it is so relaxing for me, it is part of my pandemic entertainment program... beautiful bird, love those colors

  6. KB it surpassed GOOD leaps and bounds all the way up the scale to 1,000% beautiful
    I've never seen any Tanger but if I did I'd surely think it was someone's exotic pet bird that had flown the coop.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Beautiful bird and a beautiful edit. Wow.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Beautiful bird and beautiful artwork too! Take care, stay well.

  9. Oh, that is so cool! When Ma tries that, it looks like a Picasso! BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  10. The tanager is beautiful, and you made it even more special with your creation. You are so talented in so many ways.

  11. I love both pictures! Your art stands on its own.

  12. You did such a wonderful job, both with capturing the photo to start with and then making it into beautiful art! What a pretty bird that is!


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