Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi is so filled with joy when we can return to Lab Valley. He can run off leash at full speed.

And, he can play with his sister. I love when I catch a moment of eye contact like this one.

I have to admit to some recent moments of discouragement with our efforts to help Hachi. Some of the training games seem to move forward more slowly than a slug. Yet, when we have our monthly meeting with his behaviorist, I can see that we've made tiny bits of progress. We hope that, by being consistent in doing our training games with him, a day will come when his trust blossoms so that many different fears fall by the wayside. I still believe that will happen someday - and our job is to keep "showing up" for his training to make it possible.

We love Hachi like crazy. There's a sweet heart inside his fearful outer shell.


  1. but at the end even a slug crosses the finishline once... we are slugs in some things too, but we carry on ...and on ;O)

  2. Beautiful Hachi. I commend your persistence. Never easy when progress is slow and there are setbacks.
    All the best, Gail.

  3. that stare down is priceless.... seeing them romp and play makes me smile.

  4. You WILL get there one day, Hachi, and you have the bestest home to help you get there.

  5. Hari OM
    Shyla is your proof of the Love and Persistence of training and play! YAM xx

  6. I keep thinking how fortunate Hachi is to have found his way to you. The outcome, I fear, would have been far different with another owner.

    Take care, stay well.

  7. We sure do love seeing those two have some fun!

  8. Oh how fun. I love your action shots.

    I know you're doing everything possible to give Hachi the best life possible. I'm going to believe with you that his fears will disappear and he'll be that happy pup he's meant to be.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Love it and I can see that eye exchange too. TLC and sisterly love will win!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. My comments wouldn't publish. I finally shut down my computer and restarted it, so now it works. All I wanted to way was that Hachi couldn't be in better hands with your expertertise and love and then Shyla there to care for him, chase him, play with him and love him.

  11. Hachi is so lucky to have such devoted parents who are working so hard to help him be more comfortable.

  12. In the second picture, it looks like the pups have been cut out and laid on a white backgound, when in reality they ARE on a white background of snow. Clever.

  13. Consistency and persistence are the names of the game with fearful dogs and you're doing a top notch job on both fronts.

  14. Hachi is a work in progress, and a handsome one at that. He IS a sweetheart and one day he will be able to fully reveal that loving heart.

  15. Staying positive and patient is the hardest part of the battle, but it is so important. We never give up with the issues here and keep trying. Every little piece of success contributes to completing the entire puzzle. You will get there.

  16. You have worked miracles with him through patience and love.

  17. I think that is the most relaxed and happy I've seen Hachi, the one with the eye contact. I'm so glad he has her and you guys! Time, time, time. It sucks, but you'll get there!

  18. One thing I know for sure is that you will never give up on helping him! Hachi is so lucky to have you. ♥


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