Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog was an affectionate and sweet big brother to Hachi. He played with Hachi so gently and nicely in the early months of Hachi's life with us.


Our Black Dog was affectionate and reassuring to Hachi just like he'd been to Shyla when she was young. Despite how things evolved as Hachi matured, their friendship in those early months is a memory that we cherish.

Our Black Dog always had such a sweet disposition. He assumed the best in dogs and people. It made my heart swell as I watched him navigate the world projecting sweetness to everyone. He often went to a university campus with the Runner, and the students would flock to him wanting to pat him. That happened the most during exams so we often joked that R should be a therapy dog for students! As a mature dog, he had the perfect disposition for it.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. these photos are heart melting, of both R and Hachi.. precious memories

  2. What beautiful photos of the two of them♥

  3. Sweet memories of your kind Black dog.

  4. R your most handsome Black Dog and his stories always make me smile. I am a firm believer animals take on the traits and personalities of their humans...of course Labs are loving but the love you gave double his standard Lab affection. I love the thought of R wandering around giving out therapy to stressed students.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Oh Man - What A Heart String Tugger There - BLK Dog, You Made The World A Better Place - BLK Dog, You Brought Out The Best In Your Humans - Go Team Human - OxoxoxO


  6. Such sweet, sweet memories of dear R.

  7. This made me tear up. I miss him too. ♥

  8. Cute photos! R was definitely a special dog.

    Take care, stay well.

  9. Those are such sweet memories. We can see how R would have been a great therapy dog for those students.

  10. His disposition reminds me of our angel beagle Kobi. Kobi just loved absolutely everyone, and the feeling was mutual. He was just such a laid back guy. ♥

  11. R was a very special dog. It seems like he and Hachi did so well when Hachi was just a wee one. We often wonder why he changed so much in his attitude.

  12. OMD, those are the sweetest pics! I can TOTALLY see R as a therapy doggie for the students...or anyone!
    Ruby ♥

  13. Those extra sweet dogs make life so special. That first photo is adorably precious.


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