Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is the sweetest pup who I can imagine. Her heart is huge, forgiving anyone who upsets her almost instantly. She has forgiven Hachi many times, and I am so grateful for that. She is the perfect big sister to him.

I remember this day back around the winter solstice but somehow I forgot to post the photos back them. At dawn, we saw the sunrise lighting up the sky brilliantly, and we sprinted up to where we could see it better. Because she is my muse, Shyla hopped up on a boulder for some howling and photos.

After howling, she sniffed the wind, learning all about the happenings in the forest.

My gratitude for having Shyla in my life is endless. I am realizing that even more acutely as I am starting to see more signs of aging in her. The "tic toc" that I hear in the distance when my pups are seniors has reached my heart recently. I hope for many more years of wandering in our beautiful world with Shyla.


  1. I fully understand your Tik Tok remark and since we had such a bad experience with big boy now I watch Bo and try not to fret

  2. Hari OM
    The clock may tick louder - but so do each and every special moment they count! YAM xx

  3. Those are gorgeous photos of that beautiful Shyla!

  4. Such beautiful pictures of your precious girl. Shyla sure is a treasure.

  5. I felt so sad reading your words, they are so true for me as well. But then I saw the thoughtful and so very wise comment by Hari OM above and I felt so much better. Living a long life, I am seeing more and more clearly that love is all that really matters.

  6. I also feel that way as our companions age. One day you wake up and say "how did so many years go by so fast". That is why I spoil my doggies because they live such short lives full of nothing but joy and unconditional love for us.

  7. What a sky and Shyla is a wonderful model. I understand what you say about your animals aging. My Sasha (cat) will be 21 this May and everyday I'm grateful he's still here. Saku is just 13 and isn't showing his age yet, but all of my other cats passed away by age 15. No matter, I don't regret having them in my life.

    Take care, stay well.

  8. Shyla I am certain the sunrises each day just to hear your glorious melodious welcoming howl
    Hugs to you S, KB, Runner and brudder Hachi

  9. Shyla always knows the perfect thing to do! ♥

  10. Beautiful photos of a most wonderful girl♥

  11. We hear the same ticking with our Lightning. But we just keep on keeping on and hope for years more to come. Shyla is truly a sweetheart.

  12. That is one of you best pictures. I am sure companies would love to have it in their advertisements.

  13. Even with my two still young, I think abot when they get older, and try to engage more with them now. I understand about the tick, ticking.

  14. A beautiful soul being showcased in a brilliant land.


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