Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 19, 2021

Winter is the hardest season for our wildlife

I've had a trail camera at a local pond for years. Every year, I am struck by how the demeanor of the animals tells me that winter is very hard for them.

After the pond freezes, some animals eat snow while others lick the ice surface when they are thirsty. Except for the youngest elk, the herd seems consumed by survival - drinking water, eating grass, and saving every calorie of energy that they can. The local bobcat trudges across the pond slowly, with no extraneous movements.  Only the coyotes still move fast, trotting briskly across the pond.

Check out the video!


  1. it is... and I often pondered about the christmas cards with such images... all thought it is sweet... but ... really?

  2. We watched that elk baby slide on the ice and go through. Thank goodness he only got his foot wet!

  3. Licking the ice to keep hydrated. That's hard.

  4. most of your videos make me happy, this one is sad.. i was afraid the baby would fall in and get stuck. happy to see them walk away. the coyotes look like they are hyper guys no matter the weather.

  5. It's always interesting to see all the different animals that use the water sources.

  6. Yet they are smart enough to survive. I always enjoy your videos on all the precious wildlife in your area.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Isn't it amazing to know that coyotes are also trotting along on the streets of Los Angeles?

    It's sad to see how the animals struggle to survive. So many have vanished from here due to the droughts or at least not enough of what they need to survive.

  8. I was happy to see for a brief moment they ice was cracked and hopeful all got a good drink of water.
    Fox and cats are so light on their feet...hopefully they found a patch of snow for their thirst
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. We are sure glad they survive even in the harshest of conditions.

  10. The variety of wildlife that pass by your cameras are amazing. I so enjoy watching these clips!

    Take care, stay well.

  11. We always think about the humans that settled the area years ago and what a tough life they had. People now are so fortunate, but the animals are still dealing with whatever nature gives them.

  12. Since we've had such a deep snow cover this winter, we've missed seeing the deer down in our yard. I feel bad that it was just too hard for them to get around. The only wildlife we saw over the last couple months were the turkeys once there was a hard crust that they could at least stay on top of.

  13. They definitely know how to adapt to conditions.


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