Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thankful Thursday

The joy of our dogs when they can romp and play makes us smile.


Cold and snowy weather makes them want to play even more.

We think that play is so important to Hachi. It helps him to relax for a long time after the play ends.


Our driveway at Lab Valley is a favorite play site. It is plowed so they can run hard on it. That's not currently possible in unplowed places. Three feet of heavy snow makes it difficult to run very fast!

Today, we are thankful for the joy of dogs playing.


  1. we agree... it's amazing what impact snow or sand or water can have LOL

  2. Hari OM
    They are both looking on top form! YAM xx

  3. The snow is so much fun to play in!

  4. It's wonderful to see those two having so much fun once again! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. What joyful picture of Shyla and Hachi playing. We get extra frisky in the snow too but we also like to stick to the paths our parents make when the snow gets too deep.

  6. Shyla and Hachi I'm frisky (for an old lady) when the weather is pleasantly cool and sunny. I'm not sure I'd be as frisky as you two in the snow but I'd love watching.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. So happy to see you got you lots of snow. And I Hope You Get Enough to do away with your drought. They look so sweet chasing each other

  8. Xena and I play in different ways than Hachi and Shyla, but any type of happy, friendly play sure is great.

  9. Wonderful things to be thankful for. Your pups are so precious.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Love seeing Hachi's wide eyes when he's playing with his sweet sister. Simply joyful to see these two play.

  11. Aww, great photos of the pups at play. Enjoy the snow!

  12. We love seeing that joy too. Three feet??? YIKES!!!

  13. It is great to seeing them both filled with so much energy.

  14. OMD, how FABulous! Do some snow zoomies for me, k? (rain zoomies...not so fun 😒)
    Ruby ♥

  15. Playing in the fresh snow is so fun, and the deep heavy stuff makes it a really great workout! It's nice to see them both so happy.

  16. It's so great that you have a good place for them to play - they certainly look very happy!! ♥♥


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