Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 12, 2021

Nature Friday

Our area has snow fever. The most recent forecasts are tending toward the high end of the range that I mentioned yesterday. That would make the depth of the snow greater than my height! We are excited. It should start this evening.

Part of the reason is that we haven't had a big storm in a long time. These are some photos from big storms over the past couple of years.

Hachi leaps vertically to navigate the maze of paths...

Shyla plows through it!

Happy Nature Friday! Please go visit the LLB Gang for their blog hop. 


  1. There's something extra special about properly deep snow!

  2. you have even two snow mobiles and they never get stuck ;O)

  3. Hari OM
    Last night we returned to sub zero and this morning the hill tops are dusted white. Crazy. But it would be a lot more acceptable, I feel, if instead of slushy wet misery, we had decent snow like this!!! YAM xx

  4. We love both of your approaches to the deep snow! Your photos are fabulous!

  5. Enjoy your snow time and we will know if you disappear off care that you're snowed under

  6. OMD, I'm shivering just looking at that! But at least your pups are enjoying it.

  7. Nothing better than having a happy heart and if snow does it then bring it on. Great shots.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. That's so much snow, I hope you all enjoy whatever snow comes you way!

  9. Yes, there should be plenty of water this year to keep things moist.

  10. Happy Snow day to all and most of all I cheer for it to keep the terrible forest fires away
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Thinking Snow And Sending Vibes - Have Always Loved Those Pup Photos - You Sure Can Capture The Moments In Time - Well Done Human


  12. It makes me chuckle to see the dogs running through the snow. Hope you get a good amount to ensure moisture for this spring.

    Take care, stay well.

  13. I love watching dogs bunny hop through deep snow. Stay safe, warm and enjoy watching the flakes accumulate.

  14. Well, we are glad you are excited about it! I think we're ready to be done with snow for this year. :)
    Stay safe!

  15. Happy Snow Days!!! Stay safe and healthy. And keep that snow in Colorado.

  16. Fingers crossed for a huge dump! Are you riding it out at the old place or Lab Valley?

    And hoping the elk and mule deer are wise enough to hunker down for the duration...

    Chris from Boise

    1. We decided on Lab Valley despite the half mile long driveway. We love it here because the dogs can run and play! (but we did stock up on meds and IV bags in case any dog gets sick again - we're ready).

  17. How fun! We are jealous and hope you get a ton of snow!

  18. Wow!! We can't wait to see Lab Valley after the storm!!
    Stay safe!!

  19. Oh,that sounds FABulous! Paws crossed for some good snow!
    Ruby ♥

  20. We have our paws crossed that you get the snow you need and can't wait to see new pictures of the pups in the deep stuff.


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