Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Shyla Saturday

I am very glad to report that Shyla is feeling much better. Her energy and happiness are sky high. Her GI tract is back to normal. We are so relieved. We still don't know what caused her illness.

Most of our week was quiet, as Shyla rested. It was worth it. Hearing her voice in the mountains at sunrise is music to my ears.


Now I think that she is strong enough to play in the fresh snow that will arrive soon. Having dogs who love snow makes these storms so much more fun!


  1. Hari OM
    simply glowing with health! YAM xx

  2. I'm so glad that your girl is feeling so much better! And you are right about having dogs that love snow - Me, I just would have liked to have more than one day of it! 😊🕸

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Hope the snow that you need come soon! And I surely would love to hear her howling at the sunrise. I am thinking that as much as BAU us to sing he was saying at that Sunrise also

  4. We are so happy for all of you but especially for sweet Shyla♥

  5. I love to see dogs play in the snow. We had a tiny amount here too, but then I'm still in Southern California. Oh, well....

  6. That's such good news! Enjoy the snow!!!

  7. Enjoy the storm. It's sunny in Breck right now, but some snow is in the forecast. I think you're due for more. Our families in Evergreen and Denver expect a dump.

  8. Happy Happy news Shyla...soon to be a Snow Princess
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. So glad to hear Shyla is doing better. Now...bring on the snow!!

  10. Oh, I'm so glad Shyla is all better. Aren't she and Hachi going to have some fun in all that snow! ♥

  11. We're so happy to hear Shyla is feeling better and wish we could be there to enjoy your snow too.

  12. YAY!!! Happy dances for healthy pups!!! Hope you all enjoy the snow.

  13. Such a beautiful image, made even more so because Shyla is recovering. Hope you're all enjoying the dump of snow we received "down the hill."


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