Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Winter has decided to stay for a while. It has snowed almost every day for a couple of weeks. After one snowfall, I spotted a red-tailed hawk perched above Lab Valley. I first saw him at dawn, and he was still perched there three hours later. He looked like he'd had a cold and damp night. He was in a good spot for catching the rays of sun when the clouds briefly cleared.

While Shyla and I did a little fat bike ride that morning, we spotted a coyote who was walking on the the crust atop the snow. The only season when coyotes are easy to spot is winter because they stand out against the snow. On this morning, he was keeping his eye on me and Shyla.

One of the best parts about snow is how much the pups like playing in it. Shyla finally has all of her enthusiasm back for playing since being sick. She loves the snow.

After a winter of so little snow until recently, we are thankful that it is finally falling. Not only will it help spring to have more bountiful flowers but it also makes Shyla so happy!


  1. The snow is so pretty and makes gorgeous photos. Have fun playing in it, Shyla!

  2. Run Shyla Run.... so glad you got the snow you needed. the coyote looks like a German shepherd. so beautiful

  3. wile e. coyote has the same look like phenny LOL

  4. We love playing in the snow too but are glad it's finally gone from our yard. Rolling in the grass is almost as much fun as romping in the snow.

  5. That sure is lots of snow and we're so glad so see a happy and romping Shyla! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. You will have spring moisture in the soil, and that hawk, he looks miserable, hope his feathers shed off the cold snow, and for the doggies, pure exuberant fun galore.

  7. You live is such a beautiful area and to see all the wild animals is a huge thankful.

    Shyla loves the snow and it shows.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. What excellent sightings...Shyla is my favorite. BOL
    I know you are happy for the snow which will help with the spring/summer/fall fire threats
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Definitely a wintry scene in your part of the world. We're expecting snow tonight but the temperatures will above freezing by the weekend so it will disappear quickly.

    Take care, stay well!

  10. Seeing Shyla so happy always makes me smile!

  11. We can't wait to see all the beautiful flowers you find after a good winter of snow. With all the rain we have had recently, our grass is really starting to green up and the trees are all getting ready to burst into bloom.

  12. The snow does have its benefits and I'm so glad you are getting the moisture you need there. It's such a bonus that the dogs love it too!

  13. Fun romps and beautiful wildlife. What a fantastic place to find oneself.

  14. I feel for the bird but I think nature has a way to protect them.

  15. OMD, that looks FABulous!!! It's gonna gets to 80 next week, so that is just so inviting! (SO not ready for the heat ) Anyhu, your coyotes look fluffier than ours! Guess that has something to do with the snow 😄
    Ruby ♥

  16. My daughter in Flagstaff, AZ, tells me they are also having snow - it is cold, mushy and windy most days lately but they are looking forward to spring :)

  17. Great shot of the coyote. They are not very fearful. Enjoy the snow!


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