Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, March 26, 2021

Winter at a pee-mail spot

It's a spot in the forest that does not look special. It's a normal forest path but there's one spot along it where the pine needles often get rearranged by the paws/hooves of passing wildlife. I first noticed the spot due to mountain lion scrapes left there.

I previously showed you a fall installment of the activity there with lots of mountain lions marking the spot. As fall cooled into winter, other species dominated. First deer visited frequently, particularly during the rut. One deer was followed by a mountain lion.

Then, the red foxes (including the black-colored morph of the red fox) and the bobcats took over. Watch closely when the black-colored red fox meets the red-colored red fox. One of them had their tail straight up in the air which I've never seen before. Do you think that they were friends?

Whenever a bobcat comes on the screen, watch their tail. It always seems to me as if they cannot control their tail twitches. I love how expressive their tails are!

Check out the short video if you have time!


  1. Hari Om
    So it seems to be the bobcats who are spraying, but the message is being received by all!!! fun viewing this one. YAM xx

  2. I love the tail action on the cats, have not noticed it before you mentioned it. made me laugh. those big cats just melt my heart watching them glide through the woods..

  3. It's always fun to see all the activity your cameras record. Those bobcat tails are so cute and I've always enjoyed watching them twitching.

  4. The foxes seem to be accepting of one another. Maybe they have met before?

  5. Such a wonderful place you live. All this wildlife to enjoy. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Great out of doors Porta-potty...I always enjoy your wildlife videos and photos
    Hugs to you and your crew happy weekend

  7. Great video! You've really some great places to set up your cameras. Thanks for sharing.

  8. That has to be the main PeeMail server!

  9. What a fabulous spot for your trail cam, and the road traffic is amazing.foxes meeting and the bobcats, they all look very well fed for the end of winter, tails wagging, when our cats meet us, their tails are always high and waving too.Maybe a sign all is happy with them out there in the wild as well.

  10. Isn't it amazing how so many congregate at one spot? Great footage. Have a great weekend!

  11. I do love this little spot on your wildlife highway! The "fox standoff" was so adorable!!

  12. That is the most interesting video I have seen of a central post office.

  13. I thoroughly enjoyed this short video. Yes, the bobcat's tail is quite expressive! The foxes were interesting to watch, especially when they met.

  14. One feels all that bobcat tail twitching must mean something, and it would be lovely to know what it is!


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