Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Shyla Saturday

We arrived at Lab Valley for the weekend, and the chaos is almost unbearable. There is construction equipment littered throughout the house, and some rooms are completely filled with it. There is fine dust on every surface. I am wearing an N95 mask inside the house to avoid an asthma attack. Thank goodness that we love the land or we would have turned around and headed back to the old house in seconds.

The good news is that they are making great progress. Phase 1 should last only a few more weeks. Then, we get a break before the next phase.

Regardless of what else is going on in our lives. Shyla is such a source of happiness for me. I love spending time in the forest with her. We play games, hike with wide eyes, and do photography.

She's the best friend that I could ever ask for.


  1. Hari OM
    Any building works somehow makes triple the mess you think it will... then it's all gone and soon forgotten! That's a gorgeous pawtrait and made me want to smooch Shyla's schnozz! YAM xx

  2. Such a beautiful Shyla! I hope your new place and all the work moves quickly for you all.

  3. Best friend and sweetest face and eyes... I have only heard from others about de construction and remodels.. good luck

  4. Hello pretty Shyla.
    KB we had our hardwoods refinished about 20 years ago. Even covering up all the cabinets with paper and duct tape that fine dust got inside the cabinets and all the contents. It was a mess. I'm glad all your work is going on before you move into the home at Labrador Valley. We've lived thru two remodels here it is very stressful.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Shyla sure is a special girl. It's nice you can spend some time at your new home but the mess would drive our mom crazy.

  6. Beautiful photo of a beautiful dog! I'm sure when all the construction is complete the current mess will be forgotten, but at the moment it sure doesn't sound like much fun.

    Take care, stay well!

  7. What a gorgeous photo of you, Shyla!

  8. The dust penetrates everything!!! And all we had done was to make new bathrooms, laundry, and change one bedroom into a half bathroom and storage area.The worst part was when some of the old ceiling had to be removed. But, the end result will be so worthwhile, and you have your other home meantime . Being able to visit and see the progress must be reassuring, and think, when you move in for good, this will be a dream long forgotten.

  9. This is a phenomenal picture of Shyla laying in the snow!

  10. It will be so worth it when it's all done! I'm glad you have your best friend by your side to help get you through it. ♥

  11. What a gorgeous picture of you girl! I've lived through countless construction projects and when they finally come to an end, it's all so worth it.

  12. Love The BLK Dog Photos But This Shot Takes The Cake - Well Done Human


  13. She clearly shows her love for you in those eyes.


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