Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

No one in the world taught me to appreciate each day, no matter what the weather, more than our Black Dog. On this day, the snow was up to his chin. He tilted his head as he examined whether I might have a treat in my mitten. Surprise - I did!

That snow brought us amazing flowers in the summer and sweet moments of happiness as he and I shared the wildflower beauty.

His sunny outlook on life taught me so much and still brings me joy.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Who wouldn't experience a moment of happiness looking at those two wonderful photos of Black Dog?

  2. Hari OM
    A dog of all weathers! YAM xx

  3. His personality shines through the photos and your words. What a special dog.

    Take care, stay well.

  4. I love him because he brought out the best in each moment and became an inspiration for me. Our dogs help us so much in our lives.

  5. R was so handsome - in any weather! ♥

  6. His spirit will be with all of us forever, he was a teacher of joy.

  7. R you gorgeous Black dog was smart beyond his species and years. We can learn so much from our pets.
    I love the photos of him and your precious memories
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You will be missed forever, R. You were so incredibly special♥

  9. What a special boy. Haven't been around much and hope you are all doing well.

  10. R sure had a wonderful outlook on life and one we can all learn from.

  11. Your Black Dog will always live in your heart and remind you of all the lessons and memories.

  12. Lessons from our dogs are truly the most meaningful, and the most beautiful ones too. ❤❤

  13. We all learned a lot from R and his perseverance, strength, and zest for life.

  14. I 💖 you so much Angel R! You are still bringing joy to the world.
    Ruby ♥

  15. I need to act more like a dog enjoying life whatever it dishes out.


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