Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi has had a peaceful week. It's springtime in the Rockies so he's been playing in snow a lot.

Unlike our pure Labs, Hachi isn't always crazy about snow. However, if he has his sister to play with, he usually forgets that snow is cold and makes his poor shaved belly cold (it was shaved for an ultrasound when he was sick).

One really nice note of progress for him is that he seems to be reacting less strongly to strangers who surprise him by driving down our Lab Valley driveway or by appearing in the distance. He still barks but it's not quite so strongly. Also, he's recovering from it faster than before. When workers arrive at Lab Valley, they disappear into the house. Hachi seems to forget about them very rapidly. That is a good thing!

For any of you who have reactive dogs like Hachi, you might enjoy a podcast called "The Bitey End of the Dog". The host (Michael Shikashio) interviews experts on helping reactive dogs and their owners. I am learning a lot and also discovering just how common our journey is. One of the experts focuses on the human end of the relationship - talking about the long process of accepting that your dog won't be cured instantly and how to cope with the various phases of that acceptance. It was helpful to me.

All in all, it was a good week for Hachi!


  1. that are good news... and it is so great to see this two and how much fun they have..

  2. To me this is excellent news about Hachi and the strangers and letting the people go in the house and forgetting about them

  3. Hari Om
    ... and, therefore, for the peeps! YAM xx

  4. We're so glad to hear Hachi had a good week. It sure looks like he and Shyla have a great time playing in the snow. With all the mud in our yard we kind of wish we had some snow to play in too (but our pawrents don't).

  5. Wonderful news on a wonderful week. Hachi is with the right person to become the pup he's meant to be.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Thanks for sharing the suggestion of a video for those of us with reactive dogs, much appreciated!

  7. What a happy Hachi report!!
    And oh my look at your marshmallow world
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. That's good news. His happiness is so evident in the photos.

    Take care, stay well.

  9. We love seeing that sweet boy have so much fun!

  10. When Hachi has a good week it also means you do too. Love the fact that you can find online help, and know that so many others have this too. Like all things, the end of the road with the renovations must be almost in sight.

  11. Yay Hachi! And thank you for sharing that podcast resource. I'll have to check it out. Elsa reacts intermittently and I am uber primed to catch her before she redlines. Any help in controlling that will be a real bonus.

  12. Who wants t o romp in the snow with a bare belly??? Definitely not ME:) But my pups would probably not even notice.

  13. When they shaved my belly furs for an ultrasound last year they took AGES to regrow. I hope your furs recover more quickly Hachi.
    Toodle pip!

  14. May the fur grow back fast and the snow melt soon. Glad it was a good week.

  15. We love seeing you having such a great time romping with Shyla, Hachi!

  16. Samson, who is the sweetest dog I've ever known, barks at other dogs and coyotes and at cars coming down our road, they either come to my gate or to my neighbor's gate. I appreciate it because he lets me know what's going on outside and if I need to drive to my gate to let someone in. Faith is the first growling dog that has ever lived with me. I see that as much more of a concern, but she gets quiet and friendly once she knows I'm OK with the situation. At the vet, when she thinks she's in trouble, she becomes the best dog ever.

  17. How nice for him that he is enjoying life and isn't so afraid. Time and patience is key!

  18. Thank you for the pod cast recommendation. I will have to look into it. So glad to hear about Hachi's progress and yours. Acceptance was definitely the hardest thing for me to accept. Brut and I were always a work in progress. :)


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