Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 23, 2021

A Carnivore Message Center

In my previous video installment, I shared footage of a mountain lion who had cached an elk carcass very nearby to a forest clearing. In fact, I found the forest clearing by following the lion tracks from the carcass to it. It turned out to be a great wildlife spot for years and years.

For the 10 months following the lion's frequent visits, many animals came through the clearing including lions, bobcats, moose, and a coyote. My favorite part is how the smaller carnivores like bobcats have the courage to mark over the scent of the lions. They are amazing creatures!

Check out the video if you have time. And, Happy Earth Day, a day late! Let's protect the parts of the Earth that we can by giving wildlife and their special spots space to be truly wild.


  1. I'm not very familiar with bobcats but they are rather cute, aren't they?

  2. We loved watching the parade of animals and our favorite is the moose!

  3. The bobcat is indeed a brave fellow!

  4. What a great spot you found for that camera. We love seeing those bold, cute little bobcats.

  5. I love the place called Message Center and it is indeed that. Beau loves to stop at message centers, all the 3 way stops, each stop sign is a message center. I love that coyote. I am all about the underdog. ever since you called my attetnion to the tail of the bobcat, I just love them

  6. Great footage as always! I got a kick out of the moose so close to camera. The coyote looked like it needed a good meal or two.

  7. Four minutes of fabulous. They are all most beautiful animals.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Wildlife is losing there spaces so fast these days, it's very sad.

  9. Now that was a grand parade Critters ,,,to bad Dr. Doolittle wasn't there.
    Thank you as always for the wonderful sharing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. That sure is a busy place but we loved seeing everyone!

  11. The coyote looked a bit rough and definitely needed a good feed, and the Bobcat lying down, loved all the guys and gals as they strolled along their highway. Interesting to see the different times and dates too, a great memory of those days all together,


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