Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I have had such fun together this week out in fresh snow. It is too much snow for snowbiking so we've been snowshoe hiking together. It is rare that Shyla isn't in motion but I caught her sitting still at one instant during a hike.


More often than not, she is galloping through the snow looking ecstatic.

Seeing her joy makes me smile. I love our one-on-one time in the mornings. It starts off my day on a wonderful note!

Even though it's late April, Shyla is hoping for more snow. I wouldn't object because it's so much fun playing in snow with her.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Happy Ears - Adventurous Eyes - Living The Good Life - Well Done - Go Team Human


  2. Hari OM
    That last image illustrates poetry in motion... YAM xx

  3. the first thing i always notice about Shyla is the way her eyes are so focused when she is having a burst of energy...

  4. We can definitely see the joy in Shyla's face. It's always fun to romp in the snow.

  5. Shyla is always amazing but seeing her in the snow is REALLY amazing!

  6. Shyla your glee and joy is infectious!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. You look so incredibly happy romping through your beautiful snow, Shyla!

  8. Shyla looks equally good in motion or at rest. Snow is such fun!

  9. She certainly looks quite happy! Love it!

  10. Oh those ears!

    Chris from Boise (who is envious of your snow)

  11. Shyla looks like a Goddess running through the snow

  12. Shyla has an enthusiastic spirit , it puts a smile on our face.
    She almost could be a "white Dog" with all the snow covering her fur.


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