Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

In this week of snow, I've thought of our Black Dog many times. He adored snow more than almost anything. In the archives from 2014, I found a photo from when we were out in an intense snow storm. His crazy passion for playing in the snow shined through on that day!


This week, we played in the spot where I took lots of snow photos of Shyla and R over the years. His strong and joyful spirit was never far away as Shyla and I played. We smiled at the memories.

We're so glad that our Black Dog had so many happy days in the snow over a lifetime of living in the Rockies.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Hari OM
    Darling R - long to be Remembered... YAM xx

  2. I love Yam's comment, R for Remembered. and we all do remember his beautiful face and spirit

  3. There are many things I admire and love about furries. The most favorite is their gusto of living in the present...which is truly a gift. Not one thought about tomorrow.
    Hugs you your Black Dog Angel R.

  4. R, you enjoyed every day to the utmost, and were so loved, Your memory will be with us forever, and these photos show that love of life and your inner spirit that was so exuberant, always.

  5. Those two really were just the sweetest pair. ♥♥♥

  6. It's clear that the snow was a great place to play for R, and Shyla and Hachi too. Lovely photos!

  7. Happy Crazy Love

    ♥ Astro & Mitzie

  8. Such a happy snow dude and a super sweet duo!

  9. R sure loved the snow. You can see the joy on his face.

  10. They both look like they enjoy the snow. I can't even imagine what mine would do with all that snow.

  11. Oh, I never gets tired of seeing these photos! 💕 I wish I could do some snow zoomies right nows! BOL!
    Ruby ♥


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