Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 26, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been another back-and-forth week. I sometimes think that this constant change is slowing Hachi's progress too much. I've been reading about dogs with his genetic make-up, and behaviorists tend to say that reactive dogs like Hachi want a set schedule in their lives. They want to be able to predict what will happen next and when it will happen. Hachi doesn't have that right now.

Then, when I see him at Lab Valley, I know that this phase is totally worth it. He is a different dog at Lab Valley - far more care-free than ever before. Also, getting lots of off-leash exercise helps him immensely.

This week, we felt that his response to strangers was more muted than in the past. He still reacts - but his barking seems less intense - and he recovers quickly. The thing that seems to throw him into the most reactive mode is when people appear at times and places where he doesn't expect it. It's called "sudden environmental contrast" by behaviorists - and Hachi really does not like being surprised.

Shyla continues to be the best part of Hachi's life. She never gets upset with him, even when he badgers her relentlessly to play when she doesn't want to. In the next photo, she was as engrossed in playing as Hachi was. I love when I can capture a moment of eye contact during play.

I've been frequently noticing the funny play faces that they make. Hachi didn't used to make faces like this but I think that he's learned from his sister.

We love our Hachi. Even when progress is slow, working with him seems so worth it.


  1. we agre... if people pop up suddenly at places there was no one ever before we act too....

  2. We love that Hachi is so easy going when he's playing with Shyla outside.

  3. Hari Om
    Oh well, I am not that keen on surprise appearances either - particularly now! Go Hachi. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. It's great to see Hachi has his moments of joy, especially with Shyla.

  5. Hachi looks so happy and eventually Lab Valley will be there as home!

  6. If it's any consolation, big boisterous happy 'I love everyone' Obi is fazed by nothing - except people popping up unexpectedly on the trail. Fierce barking ensues, till we ask him for Trail Manners (step off the trail, sit). Once we remind him that he has coping skills, he reverts to his cheerful (oh please can we meet?!?) demeanor. So nothing odd in Hachi's behavior to us (except I know his intensity is alarming). We don't love surprises either.

    Chris from Boise, enjoying rain today!

  7. I am loving that last a day. It is absolutely hilarious and they look so very happy

  8. Aw, great action shots and Hachi is worth all the work you do with and for him. I've loved watching his progress.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Our dogs are just like kids. I had a child that did not do well unless he had a schedule. I do not do well with a schedule so it was hard for me but we got through it. My favorite thing I have read it this: we do not do well with every single person we meet in life. We like some and we don't like others. Why do we assume our dogs should like everyone and every dog they meet. When I read this, I immediately started applying it to my dogs lives (instead of me saying to my dog-that dog is just trying to say hi, I chose not to put my dog by other dogs unless he wanted to) and they have benefited greatly from it.

  10. How everyone reacts to different situations, is, I guess, the same for Hachi. I like to know beforehand what will happen , and do not like sudden changes to my days. When you are at Lab Valley every day I'm sure he will adapt so well to being there permanently.Love the faces,

  11. Joy and Glee is what I see.
    I wish I spoke dogese...I'd love to know what they are saying
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Both Bertie and Gail are strong believers in tbe benefits of off leash exercise and we just adore the action photos in the snow.

  13. AND we do so enjoy all those funny faces:)

  14. I guess surprise parties are out for him. He sure looks at home and happy.

  15. I think once you are settled he will be a perfectly well adjusted dog.

  16. OMD, I loves those photos!!! Hachi, don't worries, I act the same way when doggies surprise me. I gets stressed out! And I don't gets to do snow zoomies to work off the stress ~ you lucky puppers you!
    Ruby ♥

  17. I've learned over the years that all dogs thrive by schedules. Some just adapt better to changes in those schedules. Our son's Riley never has a schedule when they are living on their own. But, when left with me (or both of them living with me) Riley quickly embraces our "pack" schedules and expects them.

  18. The process of transitioning to your new home may be challenging for Hachi, but it sounds like it will be worth it when you are finally there for good. ♥


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