Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Shyla joined our family in 2012 as one of the most fearful and meek dogs who I'd ever known. From the start, our Black Dog loved her.

One day soon after Shyla's arrival, I came home to find our Black Dog lying in a sun puddle with her. I grabbed my camera to take a photo of their Labraduo snuggles. However, sweet R chose that moment to give his sister some kisses. I felt so lucky to have my camera out and ready at that moment.

Shyla looked sort of shocked - perhaps because of her retiring personality. Over the years, she came to expect spontaneous affection from our Black Dog and reveled in it.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Beautiful memory♥ Happy Easter to all of you!

  2. Hari OM
    I don't doubt that Shyla recalls this... and passes it on now to her new brofur! YAM xx

  3. Such a sweet memory of how special R was.

  4. KB the more I read about the early days of R and the love and nurturing he gave Shyla, the more I realize your shiny black dog was one of the 'angels among us' that Alabama (country band) sing about in their song 'There are Angels Among Us'. R was an angel on earth long before he got his wings.
    Hugs and Happy Easter to you and your pack

  5. Link to the Alabama song in case you don't know it:

  6. Shyla really is surprised and R is being his loving self. One of the loveliest dog photos ever! And how he must have helped her overcome her fears and become the dog she is today. I miss him and I'm so glad you decided to dedicate Sundays to your Black dog.

  7. What a wonderful Black Dog remembrance!

    Chris from Boise

  8. Inger said it all for me.
    he was a true marvel of Pure Love on this earth.
    I am so glad I got to know him even for a little while. XO

  9. That was just the sweetest thing ever!

  10. Two precious sweethearts. 2012??? Where did the years go? Hard to believe we started following you even before then.

    Happy Easter from all of us.

  11. Isn't this part of what Easter is about?

  12. Such a precious moment! You are so lucky to have captured that moment. Happy Easter!

  13. What a joyful memory to look back at. So special.


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