Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Shyla Saturday

This girl is the best forest exploring companion who I can imagine. We've been hiking in the mornings rather than biking because there's so much soft snow. Hiking is good for our bond because we move more slowly and have more time to interact. Shyla gallops happily on the snow crust, sniffing and exploring. I call her over for treats and pats, and then we walk onward. 

We have no particular destination. We eschew the trails because they are so pock marked with peoples' footprints that they're very difficult for walking. Instead, we follow our noses to wherever the footing is best. 

Then, some mornings, there are glorious sunrises, and Shyla shifts into model mode!

Happy Shyla Saturday. What a sweet pup she is.


  1. What a beautiful shot! Happy Saturday!

  2. Shyla is such a special girl and a beautiful model.

  3. Hari OM
    There is something soulful in this... YAM xx

  4. Beautiful photo! Enjoy your hikes.

  5. What a wonderful pair you are, and that photo, she is the perfect model to show posing against the glorious sky.

  6. You two have such a lovely routine down! ♥

  7. KB I loved this: Shyla shifts into model mode!
    What a backdrop for your super model
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. You sweet Shyla makes any day a better day!

  9. You do have gorgeous sunrises and the perfect model to show them off.


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