Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 16, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday - Mountain lions and a Black Bear (Tiny!) out in spring snow

Deep in the forest, there's a narrow path that our most shy wildlife love to use. I found it last summer after bear mating season had ended. Since then, mountain lions and bobcats have dominated it with an occasional bear wandering through.

After our huge spring storm, a mountain lion very slowly plodded through the snow. Then a deer and pair of dueling  robins. After another mountain lion, the highlight of my spring arrived. Tiny the Black Bear sauntered through. He marked a tree with his trademark "sitting" style.

Seeing him on video made me so happy. He looked good, no different from last fall. Check out the video!


  1. How wonderful to see Tiny, and we loved watching him walk away with snow all over his hiney!

  2. must grin as I saw his butt LOL he is my favorite... although his name makes me laugh too.. he is not really tiny now ..

  3. I am so happy Tiny is alive and well and lumbering around in the snow. i walk like that when I first get up in the morning. Love the turn a round and show us his face although the snow butt is adorable. while he did the second marking I actually laughed out loud... so good to see him again...

  4. So glad Tiny is back and looking so good! I wonder how old he is? Betsy

  5. It's so great to see Tiny and the other forest inhabitants out in the spring snow. We thought it was funny the way Tiny came back to mark again as if he didn't think the first time was enough.

  6. The big cat in really deep snow, the deer and two birds trying to make like it's spring. Tiny didn't do a good enough job the first time around and had to come back and mark again.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  7. Oh that footage of Tiny is priceless. So funny to watch him waddle off with a snowy rear end. Wonderful stuff. Thanks!

  8. Watching Tiny, I was beginning to feel sorry for the tree! It's always so interesting to see the wild life in your videos. I don't go on youtube often, but I must check them out there too. You are doing a fabulous job here. Thanks for editing and putting these videos up every week.

  9. It is great to see Tiny! I love his waddle!!

  10. Hooray Tiny! Poor Tiny probably thinks he woke up way too soon!

  11. Woohoo Tiny has become everyone's favorite internet star. I'm so happy he had a good rest. Now for the snow to melt so he can start looking for food
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Tiny, as you lumbered off, snowy backside, then again with a snowy face, a really good shake, and sit again, this special marking needs a title as it must be distinctive for you. Thanks KB, this video is remarkable, the first lion in the thick snow as he/'she plodded through, shows us how resilient all your mountain animals really are.

  13. Loved the footage of Tiny! It seemed he got part way down the path and decided, nope, not done marking and getting my scratch on. :p

  14. I am so happy Tiny took time to drip by and let you know he is okay.

  15. OH TINY!!! OMD, when he marks that tree, it looks like I do after a margarita! BOL!!!!
    And, he walks like Ma in the morning...😂 (don't tells her I said that.....)
    Ruby ♥

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