Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday

After we've had some nice warm weather with sunshine in April, I have a very hard time being happy about snow. Yet, April is our snowiest month so I have to face it yearly. Most years, we go to the desert in April which helps deep my happiness level high.

We haven't been able to go this year due to the construction. We are the only ones who can make certain decisions so we need to stick around just in case they run into yet another unexpected decision. Given that we have a whole week of cold and snow in the forecast, I am fighting to keep my chin up. I know that we "need the moisture" but I'd rather not be here for it. Yes, I'm a wimp.

So, for Thankful Thursday, I had trouble figuring out what I was thankful for. For that reason, composing this post was a great exercise for me this week, helping me to remember just how lucky we are.

First, I loved that a big turkey marched around our house for about 4 hours the other day. No ladies were nearby so we aren't sure why he was displaying just for us. But, it was opening day of turkey hunting season - so perhaps he felt safest by us.


As always, I am thankful for Shyla's happy companionship in the forest. I took this one before the current grayness descended on our neck of the woods. She and our world are gorgeous.

And I am thankful for incredible skies with Shyla howling in front of them. I went back through my library of photos searching for smiles, and it seems that I never shared this one. It looks unbelievably brilliant so I went through all of my settings to make sure that I hadn't over-saturated it. I didn't touch the saturation or vibrance buttons. This was for real. It was like fire in the sky.

There is so much to be thankful for. I know how fortunate we are, and I try hard to remember it.


  1. love the big turkey...and we hope he will find the love(s) soon ;O)

  2. at times it is hard to find thankful things, but there is always a lot, we just have to become aware of it.. that is one fine specimen of a Gobbler..

  3. Oh the sky shot is magnificent. Wow, just wow and and Shyla makes it even more wow.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. That is such a beautiful picture of Shyla with the sunset. You sure are lucky to be able to enjoy such amazing views of natures beauty. We're thankful that you share them with us since we rarely see skies like that around here.

  5. There are times when I wish I lived outside the city. We don't get to see the gorgeous sunsets with all the buildings blocking the sky.

    As for being a wimp, add me to that list. I tire of snow so quickly at this time of the year...and we don't get nearly as much as you do.

  6. What a huge and handsome turkey and the photos of you, Shyla, are just spectacular!

  7. Wow, that is quite the big ole Tom strutting his stuff! You live in such a magical place. Hoping the sun shines soon.

  8. That is a huge handsome Tom Turkey. It would be nice if he was doing a go away snow trot
    That sky and Shyla OH MY
    Hugs cecilia

  9. That sky (and Shyla of course) is magnificent! April is always a rainy month, so it does make sense that with your cold temps, it would be snow. I never thought about that before! That turkey...wow! And here I thought turkey hunting season was in November, LOL!

  10. I will gladly trade places with you. We live in the country with too many people show shoot guns in their backyards which scares my dogs. I want to be someplace where there are no nearby neighbors and no guns shooting. I want to be in a place where there is lots of snow. We are in Michigan and had only really had 10 days of winter (snow and cold) and that is my fav season with the dogs. So like I said I will trade places with you easily. It is sometimes hard to keep the positive (I have a hard time doing that with all the idiot neighbors we have) but it will get better. And dogs definitely help.

  11. Those are all really nice thankfuls and that turkey is something! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. we get turkeys in our yard but they are hummingbirds compared to yours.

  13. We have seen lots of turkeys out and about lately too. The weather is ugly here, hope it clears up and warms up soon. The damp cold is no fun at all. Soon spring will hit your area, you will make it!

  14. I love this post. straight from your heart. xo

  15. Sometimes it's difficult to look past the weather, especially when we were just starting to enjoy spring! I am thankful to just know this snow won't be around for very long, and that our spring flowers are tough enough to weather the storm.


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