Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

From this...

To this...

That change was within a day. It's April in the Rockies.


  1. We could use a cool down around here but now that many of the trees and shrubs have started to leaf out and flower we hope we don't get any hard freezes or we might loose some of those tender leaves.

  2. Yes and some days you can do all the seasons in one day. Both are beautiful shots. I'm amazed at the clarity of the bird. Mine are a blur.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  3. Yay moisture! Happy 8700 ft. April, and thank goodness bluebirds are resilient little chaps!

    Chris from Boise

  4. Even though we haven't the same elevation, it's similar here. On the weekend we hit 21C (70F) and on Tuesday I woke up to 5 inches of snow.

    Spring is in the air though and as someone else has mentioned the moisture is welcomed.

  5. LOL KB you said the other day there would be more snow...the bluebird is gorgeous
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Springtime in the Rockies...always an adventure.

  7. A Bluebird day , when there is sunshine, and snow to ski on, you have both , truly beautiful. I did smile at the edit from Otter to Mink, I so enjoyed their frolics.

  8. That bluebird picture is simply stunning! That would be an awesome canvas print.

  9. Happy Wordless Wednesday!! It's just amazing how the weather can change like that in a day. Hopefully, spring will be there to stick around soon. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse

  10. I hope the little bird (gorgeous photo) found somewhere warm to sit out the snow. Must be hard for animals when the weather changes so suddenly like that.

  11. Both photos are beautiful and almost look like paintings. Love that bluebird.

  12. Oh, what a beautiful burdie!!!! And Ma wants to do some snow angels in the bottom one....
    Have a FABulous week my furiends!
    Ruby ♥

  13. We are getting snow today too, but not that much (yet)!

  14. Oh my. I heard on the news about your big blizzard. So glad I have April in Tennessee!


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