Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Full moon setting

Almost every month, I go out early in the morning to try to get good images of the moon setting. "Try" is the most important word in that sentence because I don't always succeed. Some months the clouds get in the way. Some months the composition that I visualized doesn't work out. And some months I make too many mistakes - plain and simple.

Some months I walk away with a gorgeous cloud formation whipped up by the mountain wind but no good moon photos.


And then, every now and then, I end up with more than one moon photo that I like. That can happen because I usually go out for multiple days around the full moon. This was a second-most-favorite photo from a recent month. Moonset was a little later than sunrise so there wasn't alpenglow but I still like it.

I started my "full moon setting" project about 20 months ago. I think that I'll keep at it. It's a fun way to spend an early morning or two each month.

Do you have any full moon traditions?


  1. it is beautiful... and we sadly could not take one good phtoto from mr. moon...neither from lady sunshine LOL

  2. i love the pink whipped cream. if it makes you happy keep doing it, that is my way of looking at it..

  3. Hari Om
    We are like-minded in this KB! Though I tend to work in the night hours - but sometimes get an early morning one. However, here in the Bonny Land, getting aroun the cloud issue is truly a challenge! YAM xx

    1. I bet that those clouds can be a hindrance there!

  4. You take the most wonderful photographs. The camera loves you and you love the camera. It shows.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. The pink cloud is so beautiful!

  6. Superb pink cloud, but my pick is a ploughed road, and a tripod set waiting. No wind, steady , and with fences either side, this is a beauty.

  7. My only full moon routine revolves around being jealous of your views. You do such a-m-a-z-i-n-g images.

  8. WOW KB you know I love moon shots but my word the cloud formation is amazing
    Hugs cecilia

  9. What Tails around the Ranch said.... Gorgeous photos! But is that is your second favorite full moon shot, what is your favorite? It must be incredible!

    Take care, stay well.

  10. We wish we had such beautiful places to take full moon pictures like you do so we will just enjoy whatever you are able to capture for all of us.

  11. Ohmy, that pink cloud is gorgeous, almost like a tornado of beauty!!!

  12. You photos are always so inspiring! Hugs to those sweet pups.

  13. No, we just like full moon mornings because they are so nice and bright.

  14. I think you ended up doing quite well!


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