Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

There's still lots of snow in some places (and it's snowing again)

But some intrepid birds are here anyway (Western Bluebird)


Tree swallow


  1. oooh the swallow.... that is a wonderful photo...

  2. We love your Western Bluebirds. They're so beautiful!

  3. Hari OM
    I'm just melting at these images... YAM xx

  4. the colors on the swallow are gorgeous, I have not seen one in real life. love the bluebird of happiness and sweet Shyla in the snow

  5. Amazing photos! Love the colors of the birds - neither make it this far north.

  6. Three amazing shots. Shyla is so beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Beautiful focus for your birds, against that pale sky, and Shyla's shadow, gorgeous girl enjoying that outdoor fun.

  8. Three beautiful photos...I've never seen a tree swallow
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Two lovely birds and one GORGEOUS Shyla!!!

  10. A lot of folk seem to be receiving snow late this year. It makes me wonder what kind of winter we can expect (whether it will be a long one or not). That is an amazing photo of the swallow.

  11. We had bluebirds show up all on the same day with the first robins! We only have a few patches of snow left now. I'm fine with that! :)

  12. Such beautiful, snowy pictures. We wish it was cold enough for snow around here. It's going to be near 80 tomorrow!

  13. It looks great, but then again, we love winter and snow. The birds are beautiful.

  14. What a beautiful selection of colors. Shyla's fur looks so beautiful against the white snow!

  15. Amazing Capture Of That Tree Shallow - Also, A Mason Jar Full Of Filtered Water When Spring Water Is Unavailable For The Full Moon - Take Care


  16. Your images are always so beautiful! Loved them all but that Western Bluebird is really something else.


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