Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for signs of spring. I love when mountain bluebirds puff up their feathers against the cold.


I love when the swallows argue. They seem to argue more than any other birds who I know. Fortunately, they also seem to forget their arguments very easily.


I love when the mountain bluebirds glide past me.


 And I love when Shyla is happy.

We probably have a lot of snow days still ahead of us but the warmth of the sun, the brightly colored birds, and being outside with Shyla make me smile.


  1. oh the two berds...that is so sweet

  2. How Beautiful - Well Done Human - May The Sun Warm Your Bones Today


  3. I wish i could hear her howl. she is so beautiful and in this one I can see the tip of her tongue, she is so beautiful against the blue sky. the blue birds, all of them with the blue sky makes me feel happy for sure... that first one is on the adorable list

  4. maybe they "swallow' their pride and admit when they are wrong/admit they are being a jerk. hmmm, maybe a lesson there.

  5. Gorgeous photos. BOL BOL BOL the comment about the Swallows reminds me of the Bickersons. Evidently they were experts at arguing too. It was old radio program back in the 1950's. I recall hearing many of the adults in my family say how much they enjoyed it, along with the Shadow and many others. Being born in 1949, I never heard them.
    Hugs Cecilia
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Birds are a beautiful mystery to me.

  7. Gorgeous photos - every single one of them!

  8. A beautiful time indeed. What great shots. You and your camera are one.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Those are such beautiful birds and of course always a beautiful Shyla! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. What beautiful birds. Love them 'talking' to each other.

  11. What beautiful pictures of the birds and Shyla today. I have a similar series of pictures of swallows arguing too. It cracks me up every time I look at them.

  12. Wow, western AND mountain bluebirds! You lucky bean! (and lovely swallow and Shyla photos too, of course).

    Chris from Boise

  13. Oh, we do love the bluebirds, and we love happy Shyla even more!!!

  14. Love all the photos, but the capture of the swallows made me chuckle. Thanks for sharing!

  15. The birds arguing is so funny! Love it!


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