Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 9, 2021

Nature and Feline Friday - Wildlife plowing through winter

A wonderful animal trail is now gone, bulldozed for a road. I've been going through my footage from that path and making videos to give others the sense of what a special place it was.

Now, I cannot go to that area because it makes me too sad to see the desolation where there once was a path so heavily used by animals. Since we are moving, I have decided not to try to figure out how the wildlife adapt to the loss of this key corridor. They have been coping with our transgressions for years, and I choose to believe that they will adapt this time too.

Let's enjoy seeing the wildlife activity from last winter, starting in November and going until the first bear marked a tree in April. For me, the "first bear of the year" marks the start of springtime. Enjoy the video!


  1. but the bears are back from hibernation now spring is on the way, right?

  2. Hopefully, the wildlife will move closer to where you are now.

  3. Progress isn't always progress. Sad indeed.

    Love the video as always. Wildlife is so amazing.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. I'm sorry about the road ruining the trek.
    That was for sure a walk on the wild side. The skunk has quite a waddle, all the kitties walk softly,
    the deer are always gorgeous the bear holding the limb as he scratched his back was so much like a human using a back scratcher.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We're sad to hear about the road but have our paws crossed that the wildlife has figured a way around the new addition.

  6. We agree, human "progress" stinks sometimes.

  7. I live in the center are the city that has civilized and paved paradise. And this is heartbreaking all your beautiful trees and paths are gone now and I too hope they work their way over to your new lab Valley

  8. I think most people don't realize that our progress means devastation for wildlife. Hopefully, as you say, they can adapt. My favorite was the rabbit bouncing around in the snow.

  9. How sad....I am so glad you captured what you did before they started working.
    Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a human.

  10. Yeah for the return of the bears. So sorry the critters will lose their mountain freeway. Hopefully they'll adapt to the latest human encroachment.

  11. I had always thought your trailcams were so far away from any roading, present or future. The animals will all adapt, as they do to the seasons, and soon a new "road" for them will be found, as they travel further from the construction sites. The bunny or hare , was he digging a tunnel? the bobcats so quiet and purposeful, and the moose, did he stamp one foot?

  12. I echo "Adventures of the LLB Gang" - sometimes I too am ashamed to be a human. Glad you have this bittersweet documentation of before-road wildlife.

    What in heck was that snowshoe hare doing? I've never seen that behavior (or tracks of that behavior).

    Chris from Boise

  13. That is so sad about the road. But animals are resilient and we hope they have discovered a new route. LOVE, love, love seeing the bears. Any sign of any bear cubs?

  14. I find it very sad how "progress" has so little regard for the animals that share our environment. I'm sure the wild life will adapt in time (nature is so versatile). Thanks for sharing, Mxx

  15. I hate that we keep driving nature from their habitat. Every species has a roll, and we are going for find out what that means the hard way when some of them go extinct.

  16. I imagine (and hope) that the wildlife is far more resilient than we might think they are. ♥


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