Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Shyla Saturday

She watches my back while I am engrossed in photographing wildlife. As long as the animals are alive, she is totally reliable about leaving them alone (but all bets are off if it's a carcass!).

She is an amazing athlete who easily mountain bikes with me to this day. She can run like the wind.

How utterly wrong her previous owner was who said that she was "useless". Yes, keeping a puppy in a crate for the first 9 months of her life creates some psychological problems - but that owner did it anyway. I'm so glad that we invited Shyla to join our family and never looked back. In Shyla's case, love erased her past.

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. You are a beauty, Shyla, and loved by so many of us♥

  2. I am so glad you found her and saved her from that crate... dogs that are chained or crated or penned just breaks my heart so happy for Shyla she is happy and free

  3. Hari Om
    Shyla is your reward for Love invested! YAM xx

  4. Shyla sure is a beauty, inside and out.

  5. We love, love, love your happy Shyla!

  6. her first 9 months in a crate. OMG. how can people DO what they do?
    she is so wonderful. thank you for Rescuing her. she is a blessing to us all. XO

  7. Shame on her previous owner. Those are the kind of people I'd like to put in a crate...for a very long time.

    Shyla is a beautiful dog and lucky to have found her way to you. Enjoy your day!

  8. USELESS................that makes my blood boil. Useless is a word I'd use to describe a subhuman who kept a puppy crated....

    Shyla darling you were a shining star from day one however, you just had to find the right (KB) light source to make you sparkle
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Love does wonder and Shyla is proof!

  10. Gail is so envious that you have the perfect canine biking companion!

  11. Bringing Shyla into your life was definitely the best thing for both of you! ♥

  12. I ditto Yamini.

    Rowan is becoming more reliable with wildlife recalls (huge progress - have successfully called her off deer twice now!), but same here - all bets are off for carcasses. Not so much for snacking, but heavenly to roll in the most rancid ones!

    Chris from Boise

  13. I hope the previous owner sees your posts so they can know how wrong they were.

  14. " Love, Love changes everything" those words ring out so true for you all with Shyla and now with Hachi. Love your girl out there, loving every moment.

  15. Wells, that previous owner sucks. And shouldn't own a cockroach! okays, I take that back ~ they should own THOUSANDS of cockroaches!!!! BOL!!
    We loves you Shyla! 😍
    Ruby ♥

  16. Hard to fathom someone locking up this beautiful girl all day long. So glad you rescued her and continue to provide an amazing life.


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